Sometimes on a flexible morning I’ll do “second breakfast,” especially if first breakfast was wack. As in, I ate an almost cold boiled egg a + 3 bites of avocado + lukewarm tea while hustling my kids off. Perfect time for second breakfast… usually about 1-2 hours after first breakfast. Today it’s a very nice bowl of leftover Millet with coconut milk, sautéed apples in ghee with cinnamon, cardamom + ginger. If you’re thinking ahead you can make this your first breakfast very easily and be done with it. 🧡🍃🍁.
#metalseason #warmth #chinesemedicine #medicinekitchen #healingfoods #intuitiveeating #seasonaleating #breakfastclub #snacks #wholefoods #healingwithwholefoods #holisticnutrition #apples #ghee #millet #dairyfree #noeggs (at Austin, Texas)
Making a lot of frozen cauliflower based smoothie bowls lately inspired by @leefromamerica. They come out way less sweet. I like the smoothie “bowl” you can actually eat with a spoon, add toppings, & make it feel like an actual meal and not just a drink. This is a pretty blueberry one with avocado + almond butter+ date+ coconut flakes + sliced almonds + bee pollen + blackberries + maca root + probiotics + he shou wu + astragalus + filtered water. Everything but the kitchen sink. Happy weekend! ✌️
#smoothiebowl #smoothie #recipes #medicinekitchen #foodismedicine #healingfoods #superfoods #onthetable #healthyeating #healthykids #healthyfamily #wellness #eattherainbow #eatclean #nourishedlife #holistichealth #wholefoods
Sugar. It’s always a struggle, amiright? Can you believe the US government taught us all to use less sugar back in 1917 with this poster? It’s the truth. Granted, it was for rationing purposes related to WW1… but imagine if it were just out of genuine concern for our health and vitality. Imagine if this was the standard in American culture from day one. I think these vintage posters ring true to today’s health epidemics and deserve a big comeback. Who’s with me?
#foodismedicine #holistichealth #nourishyourself #eatclean #sugar #healthyeating #slowfood #diabetes #healthyliving #foodrules #vintage #sweettooth #cleaneating #foodtherapy #wholefoods #medicinekitchen #detox #nutrition #rulestoliveby #makessense #bettertogether
•Grain Free Nut Muffins•
I’ve made these nut flour muffins many times and this time may have been my favorite. Got the process up as a story currently. They are made entirely of nuts as a base so you don’t get the fluffy airy texture of a normal muffin- but I actually like the texture and the flavor so much we eat them up in hours usually - the kids devour them for snack and/or breakfast. Great for low-carb eating and gluten-free folks. Here’s the super simple recipe //
1 ½ C raw nuts - here a combo of mostly almonds, with hazelnuts and pecans.
3 free-range eggs
¼ C pure maple syrup
¼ tsp sea salt
1 tsp vanilla extract
Ground nuts in a Vitamix (or food processor would work probably) until you achieve a coarse flour.
Add all other ingredients & mix until a smooth batter is formed.
Pour into greased or buttered muffin tins and bake at 375 for ~14-15 minutes. Made about 8 muffins for me. Slather with grass-fed butter & believe me I think this step is essential. ❤️
#grainfree #lowcarb #glutenfree #wellness #medicinekitchen #eatclean #foodismedicine #momlife #unitedinmotherhood #nourishyourself #healthykids #healthyeating #naturalhealth #wholefoods #forkyeah #holisticnutrition #healthyfats #healthathome #grassfed
I’ve been in awe of 5 Element food therapy & Chinese medicine food dietetics for over 10 years. 5 Elements (often called 5 Phases) are EARTH / METAL / WATER / WOOD / FIRE. The Qi of the earth element flourishes in Indian Summer, those golden moments of fullness before the waning of the light. The earth color is yellow, like the sun, the ripened crops, and the root vegetables. Bringing in some much needed grounding energy from the Earth element by making a hash tonight with these golden veggies that will mix with a grass-fed ground beef and kale scramble. ☀️🌻🌾🥕.
#nourishyourself #healingarts #foodismedicine #foodtherapy #chinesemedicine #wholefoods #holisticnutrition #5elements #tcm #earthday #earthelement #onthetable #liveauthentic #huffposttaste #eatingwell #medicinekitchen #healthyeating #naturalhealth #forkyeah #wellness #bewell #orientalmedicine #goldenhour #suppertime
I made paste this week - Haldi Doodh Paste! This is a paste for Golden Turmeric tea. Mix it up, keep it in the fridge, use liberally for a nourishing pick me up / cold or flu remedy / tonic Ayurvedic potion drink. It is so yummy… gingery, creamy, coconutty, spicy, peppery & sweet goodness. Having a paste is way easier than making it from scratch every single cup! Next paste on the blog - my Warrior Wellness paste for not getting sick. That combined with this turmeric tea is a recipe for HERO VITALITY! 😉
2 Tbsp fresh grated ginger root. 3 tsp ground turmeric. 1 tsp ground cardamom. 1 tsp ground cinnamon. 1/8 tsp or slightly more ground black pepper. Mix all this up in a small jar with a spoon. Add 2-3 Tbsp raw honey to cover & coat all spices and mix very thoroughly until smooth and even. Put a lid on it! When you want to make Golden Milk - heat up ½ C coconut milk (almond milk, whole milk) with ½ C water on stove. Use 1 tsp of mix per cup of tea. Strain through a cloth or mesh strainer into your cup. Bliss out with a warm beverage.
#holisticnutrition #ayurveda #goldenmilk #orientalmedicine #wholefoods #tonic #potion #turmeric #healingfoods #foodtherapy #wellness #immunity #tonic #herbalmedicine #medicinekitchen #onthetable #liveauthentic #eatclean #organicfood #homeremedies #folkmedicine #nourishyourself #nourishingfood
What’s for dinner? Asian Salmon with Bok Choy & Hei Zhi Ma - aka Black Sesame seed! Hei Zhi Ma is a legit Chinese herb we use for deficiency/depletion especially relating to the Liver and Kidneys. It’s very nourishing to the blood and YIN 🌑parts of our body. Personally, I got majorly depleted & lost a ton of hair after both my pregnancies - using herbs like this (among many other things) is a little daily ritual for me to cultivate more yin in my life. ❤
#orientalmedicine #holisticmedicine #momlife #healthyliving #onthetable #liveauthentic #eatclean #eattherainbow #herbs #herbalmedicine #nourishingtraditions #salmon #medicinekitchen #foodtherapy #foodismedicine #familymeal #wholefoods #whole30 #wellness #yinyang
Whoa. It’s been a doozy at my house the past 2 days with stomach virus. None of us escaped it! Hydration is sometimes your only & best strategy for these times. I made a garlic-ginger-lemonade for us all this morning - something soothing and healing to drink that will gently combat pathogens. The kids and I will drink this cup by little cup until our appetites come home. Making a garlic infusion like this is great for viral or bacterial bugs - whether it be respiratory or digestive. 💛
Garlic- Ginger- Lemonade: Mince 2 large cloves of fresh garlic and place them in pitcher. Add 5 slices fresh ginger. Fill the vessel with boiling water and cover for 30 minutes. Strain out the garlic & ginger, and to the liquid add the juice of 1 ½ whole lemons. Sweeten to taste with honey (~ 1 tbsp more or less to taste). Serve warm and offer as much to the “patient” as they will drink. :)
#healingfoods #nourish #wholefoods #herbs #medicinekitchen #sick #antiviral #homeremedies #folkmedicine #foodtherapy #pediatrics #ginger #garlic #infusion #healthathome #naturalhealth #wellness #healing
*Rainbow Bowls* If you’re not in the habit of making these, now is the time to start. Cook a whole grain (quinoa, brown or black rice, millet, farro…) top with your favorite fresh veg- a variety of cooked and raw. Carrots, green beans, green onions, black or kidney beans, chopped mushroom, purple cabbage…. Top with fresh herbs basil / mint / or cilantro … drizzle some sesame oil and tamari or liquid aminos on top as a dressing. Throw on an egg or some shredded meat if you want - a fried egg is an easy addition as you can see from mine here ☺️. The kids can top with their chosen few and mix everything together or eat it deconstructed (like mine, where it’s all separated 🤓). Easy, family friendly and double-shifts for lunch during the week with leftover toppings! Darn pretty, too.
#wholefoods #recipes #naturalhealth #healthathome #medicinekitchen #vegetarian #holisticnutrition #cleaneating #easyrecipes #realfood