Sugar. It’s always a struggle, amiright? Can you believe the US government taught us all to use less sugar back in 1917 with this poster? It’s the truth. Granted, it was for rationing purposes related to WW1… but imagine if it were just out of genuine concern for our health and vitality. Imagine if this was the standard in American culture from day one. I think these vintage posters ring true to today’s health epidemics and deserve a big comeback. Who’s with me?
#foodismedicine #holistichealth #nourishyourself #eatclean #sugar #healthyeating #slowfood #diabetes #healthyliving #foodrules #vintage #sweettooth #cleaneating #foodtherapy #wholefoods #medicinekitchen #detox #nutrition #rulestoliveby #makessense #bettertogether
*Rainbow Bowls* If you’re not in the habit of making these, now is the time to start. Cook a whole grain (quinoa, brown or black rice, millet, farro…) top with your favorite fresh veg- a variety of cooked and raw. Carrots, green beans, green onions, black or kidney beans, chopped mushroom, purple cabbage…. Top with fresh herbs basil / mint / or cilantro … drizzle some sesame oil and tamari or liquid aminos on top as a dressing. Throw on an egg or some shredded meat if you want - a fried egg is an easy addition as you can see from mine here ☺️. The kids can top with their chosen few and mix everything together or eat it deconstructed (like mine, where it’s all separated 🤓). Easy, family friendly and double-shifts for lunch during the week with leftover toppings! Darn pretty, too.
#wholefoods #recipes #naturalhealth #healthathome #medicinekitchen #vegetarian #holisticnutrition #cleaneating #easyrecipes #realfood