Releasing tension from the upper back and neck with 〰CUPPING〰. Cupping is one of the best deep-tissue therapies available. It’s a deeply relieving modality for tight muscles, emotional & physical blockages; sedating the nervous system, opening the lungs, transforming phlegm in the chest, chronic muscular pain & inflammation, and to simply to get the Qi and blood flow moving in your body. I practice glass fire cupping with gliding or fixed placement, depending on what your body needs - and I absolutely love it. The negative pressure that cupping provides can pull out lingering toxins from the muscles and tissue up to 4 inches below the skin level - leaving you feeling so relaxed and loose. Take your bodywork to the next level. ❤️
#chinesemedicine #healingarts #cuppingtherapy #cupping #ancientwisdom #deeptissue #bodywork #privatepractice #acupuncture #austinacupuncture #holistichealth #wellness #selfcare #wholebodyhealth #orientalmedicine #easternmedicine #detox #stressrelief (at Sarah Senter, LAc + Medicine Kitchen)
I’ve been in awe of 5 Element food therapy & Chinese medicine food dietetics for over 10 years. 5 Elements (often called 5 Phases) are EARTH / METAL / WATER / WOOD / FIRE. The Qi of the earth element flourishes in Indian Summer, those golden moments of fullness before the waning of the light. The earth color is yellow, like the sun, the ripened crops, and the root vegetables. Bringing in some much needed grounding energy from the Earth element by making a hash tonight with these golden veggies that will mix with a grass-fed ground beef and kale scramble. ☀️🌻🌾🥕.
#nourishyourself #healingarts #foodismedicine #foodtherapy #chinesemedicine #wholefoods #holisticnutrition #5elements #tcm #earthday #earthelement #onthetable #liveauthentic #huffposttaste #eatingwell #medicinekitchen #healthyeating #naturalhealth #forkyeah #wellness #bewell #orientalmedicine #goldenhour #suppertime
I made paste this week - Haldi Doodh Paste! This is a paste for Golden Turmeric tea. Mix it up, keep it in the fridge, use liberally for a nourishing pick me up / cold or flu remedy / tonic Ayurvedic potion drink. It is so yummy… gingery, creamy, coconutty, spicy, peppery & sweet goodness. Having a paste is way easier than making it from scratch every single cup! Next paste on the blog - my Warrior Wellness paste for not getting sick. That combined with this turmeric tea is a recipe for HERO VITALITY! 😉
2 Tbsp fresh grated ginger root. 3 tsp ground turmeric. 1 tsp ground cardamom. 1 tsp ground cinnamon. 1/8 tsp or slightly more ground black pepper. Mix all this up in a small jar with a spoon. Add 2-3 Tbsp raw honey to cover & coat all spices and mix very thoroughly until smooth and even. Put a lid on it! When you want to make Golden Milk - heat up ½ C coconut milk (almond milk, whole milk) with ½ C water on stove. Use 1 tsp of mix per cup of tea. Strain through a cloth or mesh strainer into your cup. Bliss out with a warm beverage.
#holisticnutrition #ayurveda #goldenmilk #orientalmedicine #wholefoods #tonic #potion #turmeric #healingfoods #foodtherapy #wellness #immunity #tonic #herbalmedicine #medicinekitchen #onthetable #liveauthentic #eatclean #organicfood #homeremedies #folkmedicine #nourishyourself #nourishingfood
What’s for dinner? Asian Salmon with Bok Choy & Hei Zhi Ma - aka Black Sesame seed! Hei Zhi Ma is a legit Chinese herb we use for deficiency/depletion especially relating to the Liver and Kidneys. It’s very nourishing to the blood and YIN 🌑parts of our body. Personally, I got majorly depleted & lost a ton of hair after both my pregnancies - using herbs like this (among many other things) is a little daily ritual for me to cultivate more yin in my life. ❤
#orientalmedicine #holisticmedicine #momlife #healthyliving #onthetable #liveauthentic #eatclean #eattherainbow #herbs #herbalmedicine #nourishingtraditions #salmon #medicinekitchen #foodtherapy #foodismedicine #familymeal #wholefoods #whole30 #wellness #yinyang
Cupping is magic. Have you had it before? It was originally used by Taoist medical herbalists and was a popular treatment for the royal family. Cupping healers are found throughout many cultures across the world. It is oh-so-good for pain and tension relief, but can also promote deep relaxation, help respiratory issues and colds, improve digestion & lymph circulation, and reduce headaches. One therapy I love to provide in my practice. ⭐️
#healing #wellness #naturalhealth #cupping #cuppingtherapy #acupuncture #holistichealth #massage #chinesemedicine #detox #painrelief #tension #relaxation #bodywork #orientalmedicine #medicinekitchen #feelinggood #privatepractice