Holiday magic ✨/ madness is here. I’m over on @lovechildmag today giving advice on how to curb your sugar cravings this holiday season. There are just so many opportunities to indulge, and they add up! Here are 5 simple steps to help you stay in control of what you eat so that it can be your choice when to indulge instead of your hormones or blood sugar levels. Link to the full read is up in my bio and also at the wonderful @lovechildmag. Thank you for having me! Now, let’s bake those cookies - just take half to your neighbor 😊❤️. 📷by @paigenphoto.
#sugarsugar #cravings #holidayspirit #medicinekitchen #sugarcravings #christmascookies #chinesemedicine #herbalmedicine #holistichealth #healthyholidays #healthyhormones #cinnamontea #fiveflavors #healingfoods #wellnesstips #lovechildmag (at Austin, Texas)
I always bring the greens. Putting together what has been one of my favorite salads for the past few years for the holidays. It’s @heidijswanson Heirloom Apple salad and it’s 100% delightful. I use a bitter green combo of arugula and radicchio to balance the many sweet flavors of the traditional thanksgiving meal (meat, root vegetables, starches, grains, pies). All five flavors should be present in your meal but make especially sure you include something bitter and sour on this holiday as they will ⚖️ balance the scale of sweetness & 🧪 stimulate your liver to release bile for fat digestion. Digestion starts in the mouth🧡. Side note: you also have a wonderful opportunity with cranberry sauce to make it on the tart/raw side instead of sweet. Do this! It creates a great flavor balance to your meal. Happy meal planning. ❤️.
#nutritiontherapy #easternmedicine #fivephases #fiveflavors #thanksgivingdinner #thanksgivingtable #bitters #chinesemedicine #heidiswanson #101cookbooks #digestivehealth #healingfoods #foodtherapy #intuitiveeating (at Austin, Texas)
I guess I’ve always loved to bring things together. I was lucky to see the beauty in Chinese medicine at a young age and it still deeply moves me today. Feeling grateful to have this work & worldview in my life. 🙌.
#chinesemedicine #holistichealth #healingarts #qi #fivephases #fiveelements #easternmedicine #acupuncture #foodtherapy #healingfoods #nutritiontherapy #mindbodyspirit #mindbodygreen #easternphilosophy #artandscience (at Austin, Texas)
With 〰️Inside | Out〰️ today we are focusing on a staple ingredient for fall - Manuka honey.
Honey is a wonderful antidote to dry autumn wind and Vata season. Its moist, viscous, sweet nature balances the light airiness of this season and helps us stay lubricated and grounded, similar to oil.
Manuka honey in particular is a powerful anti-microbial / anti-bacterial / anti-viral agent with bio-active hydrogen peroxide, and an active factor of 10➕or more will be best for fighting active pathogens in the body.
Honey is a sweet qi tonic and Earth element food. One of the best things it can do for us in fall is to moisten dryness - of the lungs (cough), intestines (constipation), and skin - what we call the outer lung (roughness and eczema). The Lung & Large Intestine happen to be the 2 organs associated with autumn, so honey is a must-have item in rotation for everyone right now!
Here is a manuka honey paste I make at some point every fall to help fight illness - especially in the sore throat/ cough/ cold category. It’s a great immune booster and will provide your body plenty of ammunition to fight pathogens when you need it!
Warrior Honey:
2 large cloves garlic, minced
1 tbsp fresh grated ginger
1 tsp turmeric powder
A couple grinds of black pepper
2-3 tbsp manuka honey
Mix all ingredients together in a jar or bowl with a small whisk and seal tightly, store in fridge.
Use 2 tsp of this honey mixture diluted in hot water or ginger tea, up to 2x/day.
Or swallow a spoonful straight in desperate times.
Learn more about the amazing powers of Manuka & how to use it for your healthiest skin ever over @neuskinaustin. 🍂🍯💗.
#medicinekitchen #metalseason #chinesemedicine #fiveelements #insideoutforwomen #beautyfromwithin #naturalbeauty #naturalhealing #holistichealth #innerbeauty #fallhealth #autumnvibes #immunesupport #manukahoney #healingfoods #foodtherapy #nutritionaltherapy #medicinalherbs
(at Austin, Texas)
Earth Nourishing Cabbage Soup // I went over this in stories last night if you want to check it out while it’s still up. Ive been thinking a lot lately about food that nourishes the spirit, grounds us, & soothes the nervous system. These are Earth phase foods. And this happens to be Vata season and Metal season - Earth foods support these phases, as well as support us in turmoil, stress, or times of great fluctuation and change. These are our current times. To make this soup | ½ head green cabbage + 2 carrots + 1 small potato + 1 head fennel + 1-2 tsp anise seed + 2 tbsp ghee. Chop everything and sauté in ghee with anise until the veggies start to reduce in size and become tender. Add 5 C water and simmer for about 20 min. Add in 1-2 tsp light/ mellow miso and stir well. Remove half of the soup and blend/liquefy until smooth and return to pot. Stir together, add salt if needed, and serve. | This soup is naturally sweet and very aniseedy in flavor. The cabbage is cooling for stress and gut inflammation and the anise + fennel add warmth & movement to avoid stagnation. This is a quintessentially Earth phase soup to balance Vata and nourish Metal this fall. It’s great for promoting healthy digestive function & centering yourself. Must like anise flavor to enjoy. Take care of yourself and each other. 💗
#medicinekitchen #metalseason #chinesemedicine #fiveelements #mindfulness #healingfoods #therapeuticfoods #intuitiveeating #earthelement #stressfood #soups #vegetariancooking #eatingwelleats #anise #qifood #holisticnutrition (at Austin, Texas)
Sometimes on a flexible morning I’ll do “second breakfast,” especially if first breakfast was wack. As in, I ate an almost cold boiled egg a + 3 bites of avocado + lukewarm tea while hustling my kids off. Perfect time for second breakfast… usually about 1-2 hours after first breakfast. Today it’s a very nice bowl of leftover Millet with coconut milk, sautéed apples in ghee with cinnamon, cardamom + ginger. If you’re thinking ahead you can make this your first breakfast very easily and be done with it. 🧡🍃🍁.
#metalseason #warmth #chinesemedicine #medicinekitchen #healingfoods #intuitiveeating #seasonaleating #breakfastclub #snacks #wholefoods #healingwithwholefoods #holisticnutrition #apples #ghee #millet #dairyfree #noeggs (at Austin, Texas)
Is it possible to have too much miso and ginger tea? Like how much is too much? Asking for a friend. Also, when your last kid is still asleep at 8am, everyone else has already been gone for half an hour and you feel sooooo grateful for extra quiet / productive time but also 🤔!
#metalseason #chinesemedicine #medicinekitchen #miso #breakfastclub #healingfoods #therapeuticfoods #intuitiveeating #putaneggonit #mindfuleating #mindfulmoments #holisticnutrition #foodtherapy (at Austin, Texas)
Current lunch mood! I’ll make a version of these probably 3 days this week & I tend to go to these when I need a reset but also feel like something light / raw (although I rarely eat a whole raw meal - so some components still cooked here) - easy, very quick to assemble when you make a couple items in advance. Blanched Collard Veg wraps with roasted cauliflower + sunflower-cashew cream sauce. Check my stories later to see more about how to make these beauties! 🤤🤤
#healingarts #healingfoods #plantbased #lunchbunch #whattoeat #collardgreens #vegetarianrecipes #medicinekitchen #intuitiveeating #eatingwelleats (at Austin, Texas)
Change the model. If something’s not working for you - change things up. Look at it from a different angle - get another perspective. Don’t be afraid to use your own experience and knowledge in a new way, don’t be afraid to take big steps or go in a new direction that is true to your heart ⚪️ I’m working on something special these next few weeks and getting so so excited to share more with you guys on how to integrate 5 Elements and all the wisdom TCM and East Asian Medicine have for seasonal, balanced living. 💛.
#medicinekitchen #nutritiontherapy #chinesemedicine #eastasianmedicine #fiveelements #5elements #seasonalliving #mindbodyspirit #foodtherapy #healingfoods #earthelement #ayurveda #yinyang #healingarts (at Austin, Texas)
I’m puttin up a highlight section for what I call “⚡️meals” which are photos of meals I make during the weeks with ingredients and simple methods included (just not full exact recipes) for those of you who are interested and need ideas for healthy eating. Medicine Kitchen started out as a convenient way to inspire my clients to stay healthy in between their acupuncture sessions - healthy eating & cooking is a big part of that. Hope it can foster some ideas to keep you all on track or get on the track to start with! Start where you are 💗. Have a great weekend!
#holistichealthcare #acupuncture #chinesemedicine #easternmedicine #foodtherapy #healingfoods #nutritiontherapy #mealplanning #mealprepideas #eatyourgreens #foodismedicine #naturalhealing #healingarts #medicinekitchen (at Austin, Texas)
Last mung bean post, I promise! I mentioned doing a quick sauté with them and using as a topping. An example here - one of my favorite family chicken soups with a crispy mung bean, cilantro, pink salt crumble on top. Delicious texture! .
#familyrecipe #stressfood #chinesemedicine #agni #digestivefire #mungbeans #healingfoods #foodtherapy #holistichealth #comfortfood #familymeals #foodforcomfort #medicinekitchen #cleansingfoods #healingwithwholefoods #foodasmedicine (at Austin, Texas)
Another (easiest) way to use mung beans. They have a lovely crunch in salads when still raw, these are soaked & sprouted. You can also just toss sprouted mungs in a bit of ghee + sea salt and sauté them for a few minutes - that’s what I usually do - and they are wonderful as a topping on most anything. 💗
#chinesemedicine #chinesenutritionaltherapy #mungbeans #healingwithwholefoods #foodasmedicine #therapeuticfoods #healingfoods #holisticnutrition #eatingwelleats #medicinekitchen (at Austin, Texas)