Releasing tension from the upper back and neck with 〰CUPPING〰. Cupping is one of the best deep-tissue therapies available. It’s a deeply relieving modality for tight muscles, emotional & physical blockages; sedating the nervous system, opening the lungs, transforming phlegm in the chest, chronic muscular pain & inflammation, and to simply to get the Qi and blood flow moving in your body. I practice glass fire cupping with gliding or fixed placement, depending on what your body needs - and I absolutely love it. The negative pressure that cupping provides can pull out lingering toxins from the muscles and tissue up to 4 inches below the skin level - leaving you feeling so relaxed and loose. Take your bodywork to the next level. ❤️
#chinesemedicine #healingarts #cuppingtherapy #cupping #ancientwisdom #deeptissue #bodywork #privatepractice #acupuncture #austinacupuncture #holistichealth #wellness #selfcare #wholebodyhealth #orientalmedicine #easternmedicine #detox #stressrelief (at Sarah Senter, LAc + Medicine Kitchen)
Think that’s coffee in my cup? Think again! I was so happy to hear of this company @rasakoffee who makes what they call “an adaptogenic coffee alternative”. I’m the kind who loves the taste and smell of coffee but cannot drink it without paying a price. Thankfully, I love tea as well. I often infuse my hot teas with herbs/ oils/ superfoods but Rasa Koffee does that for you. Guys, this is like going to the Chinese bulk herb pharm & having it ground for you and ready to brew in a French press! It’s full of super powered balancing and energy boosting herbs like rhodiola, ginseng, codonopsis, and he shou wu. If you’ve tasted Chinese herbs before you will think it tastes great - but if you’ve never tasted bulk herbs decocted in water you will think it tastes off at first. But simply add some steamed milk of choice, a little maple or honey and that off becomes an ON pretty fast. So grateful for products like these - helping us all stay healthy with convenience and ease ❤️.
#herbs #herbalmedicine #medicinekitchen #rasakoffee #adaptogens #coffeetime #caffeinefree #folkmedicine #tealover #acupaday #apotionaday #ginseng #holistichealth #naturalhealth #chinesemedicine #onthetable #liveauthentic #foodismedicine #foodtherapy #detox #tealatte #nourishyourself
Sugar. It’s always a struggle, amiright? Can you believe the US government taught us all to use less sugar back in 1917 with this poster? It’s the truth. Granted, it was for rationing purposes related to WW1… but imagine if it were just out of genuine concern for our health and vitality. Imagine if this was the standard in American culture from day one. I think these vintage posters ring true to today’s health epidemics and deserve a big comeback. Who’s with me?
#foodismedicine #holistichealth #nourishyourself #eatclean #sugar #healthyeating #slowfood #diabetes #healthyliving #foodrules #vintage #sweettooth #cleaneating #foodtherapy #wholefoods #medicinekitchen #detox #nutrition #rulestoliveby #makessense #bettertogether
Cupping is magic. Have you had it before? It was originally used by Taoist medical herbalists and was a popular treatment for the royal family. Cupping healers are found throughout many cultures across the world. It is oh-so-good for pain and tension relief, but can also promote deep relaxation, help respiratory issues and colds, improve digestion & lymph circulation, and reduce headaches. One therapy I love to provide in my practice. ⭐️
#healing #wellness #naturalhealth #cupping #cuppingtherapy #acupuncture #holistichealth #massage #chinesemedicine #detox #painrelief #tension #relaxation #bodywork #orientalmedicine #medicinekitchen #feelinggood #privatepractice
At-Home Detox
There are lots of ways in which you can choose to cleanse. Buy a detox kit from a health store; do a program with a naturopath; try out the ubiquitous Master Cleanse (which is not safe for everyone!). But it can be much much simpler than all that. There are a few common foods you can incorporate into your diet that allow for natural liver and gall bladder cleansing, blood cleansing, and intestinal cleansing. It’s super easy to use these foods if you know a few tricks, and they are far more affordable and undemanding than the harsher alternatives I listed above. These natural detox techniques will benefit most anyone, and are gentle and safe enough to do on your own.
1. Beet & Radish Cleanse –> Grate 1 cup of fresh beet and radish mixed, squeeze ½ lemon, and add 2 tablespoons olive oil. Take 2 tablespoons of this mixture 4x day for 1 week to improve gall bladder and liver cleansing function and optimize bile flow to aide digestion.
2. Liquid Chlorophyll –> Take 1 tablespoon diluted in water daily or 2-3x week for purifying the blood and pulling toxins from the body. Very helpful when trying to quit smoking or during any addiction detox.
3. Dandelion, Beet Greens, Kale & Green Juices –> Add mineral-rich vegetable greens into your diet whole, blended in smoothies, or juiced. They will support the liver and gall bladder organs, increase bile flow, & stimulate proper intestinal elimination.
4. Cayenne Pepper –> Take 1 teaspoon daily diluted in water or use in cooking any meal to improve blood circulation, stimulate the metabolism & help release toxic buildup in the joints and bloodstream.
5. Morning Elixir –> Drink a refreshing or cleansing morning elixir to help purify the body upon waking and hydrate properly. This will flush away impurities that have been processed overnight & bring your energy up in the morning.
6. *Gall Bladder Flush –> Consider a simple Gall Bladder flush (to be done with the guidance of a health practitioner) to fully clean the biliary and hepatic ducts of old bile accumulation. This helps your gall bladder and liver to function properly and can often erase certain digestive issues and kickstart a healthy path to weight loss.
Paul Pitchford writes that upon waking a morning elixir “will satisfy dryness and bring the energy up and out of its dormant phase” of sleep. “When the body is stiff and the mind unclear after rising, it means that the liver has not completed its necessary blood purification.” He recommends drinking a morning elixir each day to purify and satiate the body’s need for hydration at that time. “Elixir” just meaning a refreshing, cleansing, and detoxifying beverage that is health-restorative. Sounds good to me! Some elixirs are more cleansing than others. Here are some examples to choose from:
Less detoxifying: Warming teas like ginger, mint, spice, cinnamon. Vegetable broths. Water with lemon.
Moderately detoxifying: Vegetable juices. Fruit juices. Wheat grass or wild blue-green algae powder in water.
More detoxifying: Root teas like dandelion, burdock, or chicory. Flower teas like chamomile, orange blossom, or red clover blossoms.
Morning elixirs should be drunk warm or at the very least served at room temperature. I believe people naturally crave elixirs in the morning. How many of you can’t go a day without a warm beverage to wake you up? We have turned coffee into the modern-day beverage of choice, but we would all be less dependent upon caffeine and less tired overall if we’d try one of these. Go ahead.