I’ve been mostly removed from this space the past couple weeks, but looking back at these 2018 posts I feel so grateful for new & old friends, my boys, my man, my family + all of you here who reach out to me and stay interested in learning about Chinese medicine & nutrition therapy and how to use this body of wisdom at home. I have a hot/cold relationship with instagram like many of you, I’m sure, so thank you for following along with me here and I hope to give you more useful and inspiring health tips for mind/body/spirit in 2019! Happy almost new year. 🥳🥰Xoxo.
#wellnessthatworks #medicinekitchen #chinesemedicine #holistichealth #nutritiontherapy #foodenergetics #intuitiveeating #eatgoodfeelgood #healthathome #goodqi #topnine2018 #mindfulness #mindbodyspirit #healthnut (at Austin, Texas)
Holiday magic ✨/ madness is here. I’m over on @lovechildmag today giving advice on how to curb your sugar cravings this holiday season. There are just so many opportunities to indulge, and they add up! Here are 5 simple steps to help you stay in control of what you eat so that it can be your choice when to indulge instead of your hormones or blood sugar levels. Link to the full read is up in my bio and also at the wonderful @lovechildmag. Thank you for having me! Now, let’s bake those cookies - just take half to your neighbor 😊❤️. 📷by @paigenphoto.
#sugarsugar #cravings #holidayspirit #medicinekitchen #sugarcravings #christmascookies #chinesemedicine #herbalmedicine #holistichealth #healthyholidays #healthyhormones #cinnamontea #fiveflavors #healingfoods #wellnesstips #lovechildmag (at Austin, Texas)
I guess I’ve always loved to bring things together. I was lucky to see the beauty in Chinese medicine at a young age and it still deeply moves me today. Feeling grateful to have this work & worldview in my life. 🙌.
#chinesemedicine #holistichealth #healingarts #qi #fivephases #fiveelements #easternmedicine #acupuncture #foodtherapy #healingfoods #nutritiontherapy #mindbodyspirit #mindbodygreen #easternphilosophy #artandscience (at Austin, Texas)
With 〰️Inside | Out〰️ today we are focusing on a staple ingredient for fall - Manuka honey.
Honey is a wonderful antidote to dry autumn wind and Vata season. Its moist, viscous, sweet nature balances the light airiness of this season and helps us stay lubricated and grounded, similar to oil.
Manuka honey in particular is a powerful anti-microbial / anti-bacterial / anti-viral agent with bio-active hydrogen peroxide, and an active factor of 10➕or more will be best for fighting active pathogens in the body.
Honey is a sweet qi tonic and Earth element food. One of the best things it can do for us in fall is to moisten dryness - of the lungs (cough), intestines (constipation), and skin - what we call the outer lung (roughness and eczema). The Lung & Large Intestine happen to be the 2 organs associated with autumn, so honey is a must-have item in rotation for everyone right now!
Here is a manuka honey paste I make at some point every fall to help fight illness - especially in the sore throat/ cough/ cold category. It’s a great immune booster and will provide your body plenty of ammunition to fight pathogens when you need it!
Warrior Honey:
2 large cloves garlic, minced
1 tbsp fresh grated ginger
1 tsp turmeric powder
A couple grinds of black pepper
2-3 tbsp manuka honey
Mix all ingredients together in a jar or bowl with a small whisk and seal tightly, store in fridge.
Use 2 tsp of this honey mixture diluted in hot water or ginger tea, up to 2x/day.
Or swallow a spoonful straight in desperate times.
Learn more about the amazing powers of Manuka & how to use it for your healthiest skin ever over @neuskinaustin. 🍂🍯💗.
#medicinekitchen #metalseason #chinesemedicine #fiveelements #insideoutforwomen #beautyfromwithin #naturalbeauty #naturalhealing #holistichealth #innerbeauty #fallhealth #autumnvibes #immunesupport #manukahoney #healingfoods #foodtherapy #nutritionaltherapy #medicinalherbs
(at Austin, Texas)
Last mung bean post, I promise! I mentioned doing a quick sauté with them and using as a topping. An example here - one of my favorite family chicken soups with a crispy mung bean, cilantro, pink salt crumble on top. Delicious texture! .
#familyrecipe #stressfood #chinesemedicine #agni #digestivefire #mungbeans #healingfoods #foodtherapy #holistichealth #comfortfood #familymeals #foodforcomfort #medicinekitchen #cleansingfoods #healingwithwholefoods #foodasmedicine (at Austin, Texas)
Moringa Mint Tea / Fresh Moringa leaves steeped with fresh mint, letting sit for a couple hours to really get all the minerals and nutrients into the water from these amazing leaves. Sweeten lightly with raw honey if desired. Moringa has a really interesting flavor when fresh / raw… I like it best when combined with other flavors. This tea turns a beautiful pale chartreuse color that feels ultra summery. ☀️.
Moringa is one of the best herbs to reduce inflammation (think allergies, arthritis, pain, acne, chronic illnesses), it’s also a great energy and immune booster as it can stabilize blood sugar levels and help your liver metabolize and detox better. Optimal blood sugar + less liver stress = more pep in your step. It’s traditionally been used as a remedy for so many ailments in Eastern countries - it’s so cool to see it grown here by our local farmers for us all to enjoy! Go find some at the @texasfarmersmarket 💚.
#intuitiveeating #holistichealth #fiveelements #medicinekitchen #herbalmedicine #plantmedicine #mindfuleating #homeremedies #moringa #infusion #herbaltea #healingfoods #foodtherapy #therapeuticfoods #antiinflammatoryfoods (at Austin, Texas)
Do y’all feel me on this MENTAL DIGESTION overload? This is a tiny excerpt from a video included in the 5 Days Away content. 😍. Are you taking your phone into the bathroom or bathtub with you? Are you reading emails while walking your dog? Are your kids asking you to put your phone down? If you need a reset from the overwhelming increase in content consumption that has your brain & nervous system working on overdrive - this little program is made for you! It’s all based on Chinese medicine principles, healing foods, mindfulness and creative flow & helps you tune out to tune into your needs on a deeper level. We begin on Monday, spiritually connected in this intention & focusing on self-healing, habit breaking, and mindful living for 5 days. Join me next time in July if you missed this month’s group - registration is now open on my website. ❤️.
#holistichealth #eatwelllivewell #medicinekitchen #holisticnutrition #mindfulnessmatters #mindfulliving #dailymeditation #chinesemedicine #healingfoods #therapeuticfoods #chinesenutrition #ayurveda #creativecultivation #5daysaway #digitaldetox #socialmediacleanse (at Austin, Texas)
I’ve eaten SO many sweet potatoes in my life you guys. I often think I won’t ever eat one more and then along comes a new way that keeps this humble food on my plate. This is basically a direct copy of @saladforpresident - I saw an IG story she did one week assembling coleslaw onto a sweet potato and I was like - yes ma’am!! I’m sure hers is way better than mine but since I had no clue of the actual recipe this is what I did to replicate it: 1 baked sweet potato rubbed with salt and baked at 375 for 45 min then broiled for a few minutes more. Drizzle it all with tahini and diced green onions. Make a huge batch of slaw with red cabbage & fresh mint and dressing of avocado oil, salt, pepper, sumac, cumin, red chili, lime juice. Add some fresh feta and avocado and more chili flakes and you’ve got a WINNER. 🙌🙌.
#eattherainbow #healingfoods #superfoods #vibrantfoods #plantbasedmeals #vegetarianrecipes #medicinekitchen #eatwelllivewell #holisticnutrition #holistichealth
You guys this is pretty amazing. I’ve been working on this for awhile now & have been lucky enough to have the help and participation of some truly wonderful beings in developing a new offering for you centered around daily nourishment, creativity & mindfulness. Starting on June 4th (only a month away!) I will lead my first group in 5 Days Away - a restorative break from social media for the body, mind & spirit. It’s more than a digital detox, it’s a holistic experience that fosters care of the self through healing foods, meditations that clear and ground the mind, creative & mindfulness practices that help break habits and offer inspiration from your own unique life. It’s about tuning out to tune IN. I would love to share this with you. If you are in need of taking a guided break from all the chatter and content we consume each day & getting a week that is all about cultivating health for you and tuning in to your physical and spiritual needs - please DM me here or email me at info@sarahsenterlac.com for more information. I have 10 spots open for June. Still working hard on this project to make it the best it can be & feeling so grateful & excited by how it’s coming together! More sneak peeks & tidbits to come. 💗.
#medicinekitchen #5daysaway #yi #earthelement #fivephases #fiveelements #mindfulness #meditations #breakinghabits #creativeflow #digitaldetox #socialmediacleanse #sacredspace #mindbodyspirit #chinesemedicine #holistichealth #tuneouttotunein #selfcare
I’m happy to announce a new project I’ve been working on with my friend and colleague Elizabeth Bentley, holistic skincare specialist @neuskinaustin. We have recently joined forces to bring you duet sessions that merge our personal experience & knowledge of Eastern medicine, holistic nutrition, and organic skincare together! These sessions are for the woman who wants a full-spectrum perspective on natural health and beauty. With Inside | Out we will also be sharing seasonal info on how to care for your body and skin naturally, with specific ingredients, recipes and lifestyle tips, and will be offering private virtual consultations with us as a TEAM for you soon! We hope this collaboration brings you informative, useful and enjoyable tips on how to stay healthy from the inside out. Go on over to follow @neuskinaustin to learn more about Elizabeth, and stay tuned for our first lesson on Spring Health coming soon!
#holistichealth #holisticbeauty #skinandbody #healthfromwithin #insideoutforwomen #chinesemedicine #organicskincare #holisticlifestyle #healingarts #medicinekitchen #neuskinaustin
This is fascinating - I encourage you to read on // A beautiful part of Chinese medicine is that there is an aspect of our spirit connected to each organ system in our bodies - it fully integrates mind, body & spirit on a founding level. 🧡. The Yi is the part of our spirit-mind that is intellect/ thought / analysis / mental processing and mental “digestion”, if you will. The Yi is actually tied to our digestive organs- the spleen and stomach of the Earth element which is about rooting ourselves and feeding ourselves. Which makes sense when you think about digestion - we can digest food but we also digest information and content. Do you ever feel like your appetite gets affected by stress? Nervous stomach? IBS that is worse with stress or over-working? This is incredibly common. Sometimes we over-eat or over-think (the latter actually seems more common these days). Most people don’t realize that these two things can damage the same system in our bodies! Our bodies do not like to work on mental & physical digestion at the same time. Gut and digestive issues are widely popular and we are consuming more information than ever before. This is a huge health challenge of our time. 🧡. 2018 is an Earth year and one of my missions this year is to create something beautiful for you all to help swing this pendulum of thought —— worry —— (in)digestion back to health.🧡.
#digestion #mindfulness #mindbodyspirit #earthelement #fiveelements #chinesemedicine #yi #constantcontent #overconsumption #indigestion #foodtherapy #healingfoods #intentionalliving #healingarts #holistichealth #shen #jing #fivephases #healingaxis #transformations #rootedinspirit
A little for them. A little for me. Are any of you still dealing with on & off (or even constant) sickness this season? I keep hearing stories, seeing all the kids out of school, and keep trying to protect my own family after we had the flu a few weeks ago. This is a cycle that becomes incredibly frustrating for families. Please remember, getting sick does not mean you failed at something. Here’s a little pick me up juice we’ve been making to keep our immunity and spirits up. ☀️ 1 C organic Pineapple juice / 2 small celery ribs / ~3 in. length of cucumber / few large basil leaves / squeeze of lime juice / probiotic powder / 1 tsp ginger (or few dashes ginger powder). Tons of vitamin C in here. Tons of anti-inflammation. Probiotics to keep our guts strong. Some ginger to also fire up the digestion —-> which helps the immune/respiratory system.
#healingfoods #foodtherapy #intuitiveeating #superfoods #bromelain #holistichealth #holisticnutrition #juicerecipes #immunesupport #immunetonic #kidshealth #immunityboost #therapeuticfoods #vitaminc #plantmedicine #selfcare