The 5 Elements ( often called 5 Phases) are METAL, WATER, WOOD, FIRE, EARTH. The Metal energy peaks in the fall. In the cool, crisp, clean air, metal people feel they can accomplish anything. The color of Metal is white, and the refinement associated with precious metals resonates with Metal types in their soul. A person with a Metal qi imbalance may be overly-critical or have a hard time letting go. When the Metal energy is weak there may be Lung/Respiratory or Large Intestine illness. The flavor of this element is pungent- nourishing mine with a dish of white asparagus/radish/green onion and salmon with an orange-ginger dressing. 👌🎐⚪️🍚🕊
#nourishyourself #foodtherapy #foodismedicine #foodrules #5elements #chinesemedicine #herbalmedicine #medicinekitchen #onthetable #liveauthentic #eatclean #eatingwelleats #eattherainbow #nutrition #fiveflavors #metalelement #holisticnutrition #holistichealth #balance #yinyang #kimchi #healthyeating
Sugar. It’s always a struggle, amiright? Can you believe the US government taught us all to use less sugar back in 1917 with this poster? It’s the truth. Granted, it was for rationing purposes related to WW1… but imagine if it were just out of genuine concern for our health and vitality. Imagine if this was the standard in American culture from day one. I think these vintage posters ring true to today’s health epidemics and deserve a big comeback. Who’s with me?
#foodismedicine #holistichealth #nourishyourself #eatclean #sugar #healthyeating #slowfood #diabetes #healthyliving #foodrules #vintage #sweettooth #cleaneating #foodtherapy #wholefoods #medicinekitchen #detox #nutrition #rulestoliveby #makessense #bettertogether