Are you guys signed up for my newsletter? I send something out *about* 1x a month and September is about to be mailed! If you want to get this month’s note in your inbox - sign up with your email via the homepage of my website 👆🏻linked above. The MK Monthly is my journal filled with findings, thoughts, recipes, tips, challenges, & ideas on staying healthy in mind, body and spirit and what exactly that means - from my brain to yours. xo.
#healingarts #yinyang #foodtherapy #medicinekitchen #newsletter #journal #chinesemedicine #ayurveda #eastasianmedicine #selfcare #therapeuticfoods #intuitiveeating #mindfulness #mindbodyspirit #seasonalliving #prefall (at Austin, Texas)
I love this quote posted from @thebroadplace. 5 Days Away is starting on October 22 - reclaim your center and get back your time, your thoughts, your root. I have a live link to register up on my website 👆🏻 if you want to reserve a spot ASAP, it’s five weeks away! Open to 10 participants max and the registration will close by October 11th so I can have ample time for mailing your fun packages. Join me! For those of you who don’t know about 5 Days Away, it is a social media cleanse for mind, body & spirit that focuses on therapeutic foods, mindfulness & creative cultivation. Based on the wisdom of Chinese medicine. Read more info and testimonials or register on my website under “5 Days”. 💗.
#healingarts #5daysaway #digitaldetox #socialmediacleanse #mindfulnessmeditation #earthphase #fiveelements #chinesemedicine #medicinekitchen #yinyang #ayurveda #foodtherapy #therapeuticfoods (at Austin, Texas)
Change the model. If something’s not working for you - change things up. Look at it from a different angle - get another perspective. Don’t be afraid to use your own experience and knowledge in a new way, don’t be afraid to take big steps or go in a new direction that is true to your heart ⚪️ I’m working on something special these next few weeks and getting so so excited to share more with you guys on how to integrate 5 Elements and all the wisdom TCM and East Asian Medicine have for seasonal, balanced living. 💛.
#medicinekitchen #nutritiontherapy #chinesemedicine #eastasianmedicine #fiveelements #5elements #seasonalliving #mindbodyspirit #foodtherapy #healingfoods #earthelement #ayurveda #yinyang #healingarts (at Austin, Texas)
The mighty mung bean. Soaked these and most will go into a batch of kitchari we will eat through the week/weekend and the rest for sprouting. Mung beans are such a therapeutic food. Cooling. Cleansing. Chinese doctors say they clear all toxins. They nourish Yin fluids in the body and cool redness / inflammation / swelling. They balance and comfort with their ‘sweet’ nature. We’ve had two weeks of vacation + I’ve got many emotions going on with my first son starting kindergarten/public school on Monday. Cooking up the comfort here in this transition time! Check out stories for some kitchari action shots 💗.
#medicinekitchen #chinesemedicine #ayurvedicmedicine #ayurveda #agni #digestivefire #intentionaleating #intuitiveeating #healingfoods #foodtherapy #plantmedicine #foodismedicine #healingwithwholefoods #stressfood (at Austin, Texas)
Do y’all feel me on this MENTAL DIGESTION overload? This is a tiny excerpt from a video included in the 5 Days Away content. 😍. Are you taking your phone into the bathroom or bathtub with you? Are you reading emails while walking your dog? Are your kids asking you to put your phone down? If you need a reset from the overwhelming increase in content consumption that has your brain & nervous system working on overdrive - this little program is made for you! It’s all based on Chinese medicine principles, healing foods, mindfulness and creative flow & helps you tune out to tune into your needs on a deeper level. We begin on Monday, spiritually connected in this intention & focusing on self-healing, habit breaking, and mindful living for 5 days. Join me next time in July if you missed this month’s group - registration is now open on my website. ❤️.
#holistichealth #eatwelllivewell #medicinekitchen #holisticnutrition #mindfulnessmatters #mindfulliving #dailymeditation #chinesemedicine #healingfoods #therapeuticfoods #chinesenutrition #ayurveda #creativecultivation #5daysaway #digitaldetox #socialmediacleanse (at Austin, Texas)
10 Superfoods for 2018
By Sarah Senter, LAc / @medicine_kitchen / written for Love Child Mag.
As we learn from & move beyond the 2017 ascension of matcha, bone broth, and collagen powders, new healing foods are re-cycling & ready to make their next mark on our modern world. Here are my picks for the best new (to you) superfoods to try this year. All of these selections are based on an evolution of what has been trending in the wellness world lately combined with some traditional favorites that always deserve a new place in the kitchen. If you want to eat for your highest potential, try to incorporate some of these culinary dynamos into your life. Cheers to good health and happiness in 2018!
1 / Moringa. Moringa is one of the most nourishing and detoxifying plants on the planet. This is a powerful combination as it can cleanse many different parts of the body like the liver, spleen and blood - but it can also enhance digestion, strengthen the immune system, and has 25x more iron than spinach and 7x more vitamin C than an orange. There is a good reason for the buzz about this superfood and why it’s worth experimenting with in the new year. Try cooking with it in soups if you can find it fresh in your Asian market, or sipping as a tea.
2 / Functional Mushrooms. Mushrooms like reishi, lion’s mane, cordyceps, chaga, and turkey tail have long been used for their immune benefits in eastern cultures. They have a high concentration of germanium, which is an element that improves cellular oxygenation and enhances immunity. The king of them all is the Reishi mushroom (which we know as Ling Zhi in Chinese medicine) but some of the lesser known fungi are becoming popularized and we will see more variation in how they are all consumed this year! (Mushroom lattes are here, folks!)
3 / Einkorn flour. Einkorn is an ancestral wheat flour that has not been altered or hybridized in any way since the dawn of agriculture. It is considered a pure form of “single grain” wheat since only one grain is attached to each stem (instead of up to groups of 4 grains in modern wheat varieties) and is much easier to digest the way that nature intended it to be. I think we will be seeing more of this grain as small farms are starting to cultivate it - and those of us with gluten sensitivity may find we can tolerate this wheat much easier than conventional types!
4 / Wild Rose. People are attracted to the beauty of food now more than ever. Floral herbs (rose, jasmine, chrysanthemum, lavender) are going to rise up this year as they are supremely lovely to look at while also having very useful health benefits. Rose is a wonderful plant for calming the spirit, reducing stress, calming redness in the skin, & slowly the aging process. Combine it with other herbs in a hot tea, add it into a hot bath, infuse it into your hot chocolate or skincare products…. the ideas are endless.
5 / (More) Fermented Foods. Everything will be fermented this year. It’s a good thing, too, since so many people need fermented foods for their gut health and immunity! Try home fermentation experiments - make your own sourdough bread starter or caraway-seeded sauerkraut, to start.
6 / Coconut yogurt. There is a lot going on in the alternative yogurt arena. Look for more companies making non-dairy, no-additive coconut yogurt or almond yogurt. Pure coconut yogurt is extremely high in fat and is lusciously creamy, but expensive. My trick is to buy 1-2 per week and eat half the cup at a time with loads of healthy toppings to make 2-4 servings. The coconut meat is very filling anyway so it works like a charm!
7 / Sardines. Sardines are generally so under appreciated and I hope that changes in 2018. They truly are a superfood. These oily little fish provide so many nutrients & fatty acids and some of the best, convenient protein you can find. Toss them on a salad or with your pasta, stuff your avocado with them, eat them with crackers, make them into sardine-cakes - we will all find new, modern ways of incorporating these gems this year.
8 / Liver. As pioneers of the wellness world keep going further back to traditional food ways, you can expect to see the resurgence of cooking with organ meats. Liver is a great place to start if you are new to this practice, especially if you are woman. Liver is extremely high in vitamin A, folate, iron, and B12 - which are all essential elements for women who are trying to conceive or suffering from any anemia. You can sauté liver with a little ghee, onion, and herbs, or make a light and delicious liver paté with some white wine in your food processor.
9 / Breakfast Salads. Vibrant, fresh foods will be climbing up the ladder towards breakfast more and more and I predict the Breakfast Salad is going to boom this year! Think fresh leafy greens with a scoop of cottage cheese, nuts and seeds, berries, avocado, sauerkraut, a slice of bacon or poached egg, roasted veggies from the night before all piled up together in a glorious bowl. Is this lunch? It could be. But it will also be breakfast in 2018. :)
10 / Ayurvedic Super Spices: Coriander, Cumin, Fennel, Turmeric. Turmeric is in everyone’s kitchen by now, but as the captivation with Ayurvedic wisdom continues we will see more of the nuances embraced. Look for more information on the uses of all of these powerful, healing spices and how to combine them for customized masalas and home remedies.
I made paste this week - Haldi Doodh Paste! This is a paste for Golden Turmeric tea. Mix it up, keep it in the fridge, use liberally for a nourishing pick me up / cold or flu remedy / tonic Ayurvedic potion drink. It is so yummy… gingery, creamy, coconutty, spicy, peppery & sweet goodness. Having a paste is way easier than making it from scratch every single cup! Next paste on the blog - my Warrior Wellness paste for not getting sick. That combined with this turmeric tea is a recipe for HERO VITALITY! 😉
2 Tbsp fresh grated ginger root. 3 tsp ground turmeric. 1 tsp ground cardamom. 1 tsp ground cinnamon. 1/8 tsp or slightly more ground black pepper. Mix all this up in a small jar with a spoon. Add 2-3 Tbsp raw honey to cover & coat all spices and mix very thoroughly until smooth and even. Put a lid on it! When you want to make Golden Milk - heat up ½ C coconut milk (almond milk, whole milk) with ½ C water on stove. Use 1 tsp of mix per cup of tea. Strain through a cloth or mesh strainer into your cup. Bliss out with a warm beverage.
#holisticnutrition #ayurveda #goldenmilk #orientalmedicine #wholefoods #tonic #potion #turmeric #healingfoods #foodtherapy #wellness #immunity #tonic #herbalmedicine #medicinekitchen #onthetable #liveauthentic #eatclean #organicfood #homeremedies #folkmedicine #nourishyourself #nourishingfood
“When diet is wrong medicine is of no use.
When diet is correct medicine is of no need.”