I’m puttin up a highlight section for what I call “⚡️meals” which are photos of meals I make during the weeks with ingredients and simple methods included (just not full exact recipes) for those of you who are interested and need ideas for healthy eating. Medicine Kitchen started out as a convenient way to inspire my clients to stay healthy in between their acupuncture sessions - healthy eating & cooking is a big part of that. Hope it can foster some ideas to keep you all on track or get on the track to start with! Start where you are 💗. Have a great weekend!
#holistichealthcare #acupuncture #chinesemedicine #easternmedicine #foodtherapy #healingfoods #nutritiontherapy #mealplanning #mealprepideas #eatyourgreens #foodismedicine #naturalhealing #healingarts #medicinekitchen (at Austin, Texas)
The mighty mung bean. Soaked these and most will go into a batch of kitchari we will eat through the week/weekend and the rest for sprouting. Mung beans are such a therapeutic food. Cooling. Cleansing. Chinese doctors say they clear all toxins. They nourish Yin fluids in the body and cool redness / inflammation / swelling. They balance and comfort with their ‘sweet’ nature. We’ve had two weeks of vacation + I’ve got many emotions going on with my first son starting kindergarten/public school on Monday. Cooking up the comfort here in this transition time! Check out stories for some kitchari action shots 💗.
#medicinekitchen #chinesemedicine #ayurvedicmedicine #ayurveda #agni #digestivefire #intentionaleating #intuitiveeating #healingfoods #foodtherapy #plantmedicine #foodismedicine #healingwithwholefoods #stressfood (at Austin, Texas)
I was having a conversation with some friends recently about making healing foods vs. restaurant foods. See, I’m not a chef. I’ve never been through culinary school and honestly, I have a bit of a complex about cooking for other people because of this. My food is good. It’s simple, wholesome. It’s thrown together. It’s even delicious. But it also tastes great to me because my palette isn’t so attuned to the extremes of sugar and salt that it used to be years ago. These extreme tastes that we find in restaurants and in packaged foods are not healing tastes. When making therapeutic foods, we let the food taste of what it is. I love this quote to remind me that when it comes to eating, and many other things in life, I don’t need to be fancy to be fulfilled. ❤️.
#mindfuleating #mindfulliving #healingfoods #therapeuticfoods #foodismedicine #medicinekitchen #foodtherapy #holisticnutrition #fiveflavors #eatwelllivewell #alicewaters #minimalism #realfoodheals (at Austin, Texas)
Breaking my IG fast today by getting stoked at the farmers market and sharing this beautiful haul. FRESH Moringa leaves from @bernhardtsfarm!! I couldn’t believe my eyes. Can’t wait to eat / cook them into something. Happy Sunday 💛.
#mindfuleating #austinfarmersmarket #moringa #superfoods #plantmedicine #herbalmedicine #foodismedicine #peachseason (at Austin, Texas)
I ate a version of this about 4x last week… it was the best lunch I’ve had in awhile including that rice cake 😂. It’s not easy eating gluten and dairy free all the time - it’s something I’m trying for my own health now and I don’t succeed 100% every day - although I did turn down some good AF Detroit style pizza last night, so 👏 for me. Planning beautiful, delicious lunches like this help. *Tip: when you have restrictions in your diet try buying 1-2 slightly indulgent ingredients for the week to make your meals feel special. It’s really helpful to add something fun when you have to take things away and will leave you feeling less short-handed. I did that this week with these pretty purple cilantro, kohlrabi & radish micro-greens… all my meals seemed so playful and inviting with them. // Collard leaf wrap with hummus, pecans, roasted sweet potatoes, leftover wild salmon, red cabbage kraut, micro greens, dulse flakes.
#foodsensitivities #glutenfreerecipes #foodtherapy #foodasmedicine #foodismedicine #intuitiveeating #eatbetterfeelbetter #healingfoods #holisticnutrition #powerofplants #chinesemedicine #healingarts
Experimenting with some fun superfood-charged salad dressings. SPIRULINA AVOCADO | TURMERIC CARROT GINGER | BEET ROOT YOGURT. Getting through spring break knowing I’ll have some extra good things to eat every day makes it a little easier to be on mom patrol most of the week. 👩👦👦🏃♂️🏃♂️💪😴. (I’ll post some recipes soon!).
#superfoodsalad #elevatedfoods #therapeuticfoods #foodismedicine #healingfoods #foodtherapy #colortherapy #highvibefood #rawrecipes #electricvibes #superchargedfood #medicinekitchen #foodenergetics #fiveelements #unitedinmotherhood
Snow days call for soul food. We call this “yukney” and it’s a Lebanese dish that my mom’s whole family makes. It’s wonderfully warming and we all tend to crave it during the Winter months. Woods (my older son who is 4.5) was asked yesterday by a friend what his favorite meal of all time was and he said “Rice & Yukney I think, but I’m not sure!” 💗☺️ It’s so simple and quick: Pulled chicken, onions, green beans sautéed in butter and then stewed in a tomato sauce with cinnamon and black pepper. Cloves or cardamom are also nice to add if the mood strikes. Stay cozy today Austin! Xo.
#foodismedicine #healingfoods #foodtherapy #homeremedies #soulfood #eatwithintention #winter #snowday #medicinekitchen #lebanesefood #nourishyourself #seasonalfood
10 Superfoods for 2018
By Sarah Senter, LAc / @medicine_kitchen / written for Love Child Mag.
As we learn from & move beyond the 2017 ascension of matcha, bone broth, and collagen powders, new healing foods are re-cycling & ready to make their next mark on our modern world. Here are my picks for the best new (to you) superfoods to try this year. All of these selections are based on an evolution of what has been trending in the wellness world lately combined with some traditional favorites that always deserve a new place in the kitchen. If you want to eat for your highest potential, try to incorporate some of these culinary dynamos into your life. Cheers to good health and happiness in 2018!
1 / Moringa. Moringa is one of the most nourishing and detoxifying plants on the planet. This is a powerful combination as it can cleanse many different parts of the body like the liver, spleen and blood - but it can also enhance digestion, strengthen the immune system, and has 25x more iron than spinach and 7x more vitamin C than an orange. There is a good reason for the buzz about this superfood and why it’s worth experimenting with in the new year. Try cooking with it in soups if you can find it fresh in your Asian market, or sipping as a tea.
2 / Functional Mushrooms. Mushrooms like reishi, lion’s mane, cordyceps, chaga, and turkey tail have long been used for their immune benefits in eastern cultures. They have a high concentration of germanium, which is an element that improves cellular oxygenation and enhances immunity. The king of them all is the Reishi mushroom (which we know as Ling Zhi in Chinese medicine) but some of the lesser known fungi are becoming popularized and we will see more variation in how they are all consumed this year! (Mushroom lattes are here, folks!)
3 / Einkorn flour. Einkorn is an ancestral wheat flour that has not been altered or hybridized in any way since the dawn of agriculture. It is considered a pure form of “single grain” wheat since only one grain is attached to each stem (instead of up to groups of 4 grains in modern wheat varieties) and is much easier to digest the way that nature intended it to be. I think we will be seeing more of this grain as small farms are starting to cultivate it - and those of us with gluten sensitivity may find we can tolerate this wheat much easier than conventional types!
4 / Wild Rose. People are attracted to the beauty of food now more than ever. Floral herbs (rose, jasmine, chrysanthemum, lavender) are going to rise up this year as they are supremely lovely to look at while also having very useful health benefits. Rose is a wonderful plant for calming the spirit, reducing stress, calming redness in the skin, & slowly the aging process. Combine it with other herbs in a hot tea, add it into a hot bath, infuse it into your hot chocolate or skincare products…. the ideas are endless.
5 / (More) Fermented Foods. Everything will be fermented this year. It’s a good thing, too, since so many people need fermented foods for their gut health and immunity! Try home fermentation experiments - make your own sourdough bread starter or caraway-seeded sauerkraut, to start.
6 / Coconut yogurt. There is a lot going on in the alternative yogurt arena. Look for more companies making non-dairy, no-additive coconut yogurt or almond yogurt. Pure coconut yogurt is extremely high in fat and is lusciously creamy, but expensive. My trick is to buy 1-2 per week and eat half the cup at a time with loads of healthy toppings to make 2-4 servings. The coconut meat is very filling anyway so it works like a charm!
7 / Sardines. Sardines are generally so under appreciated and I hope that changes in 2018. They truly are a superfood. These oily little fish provide so many nutrients & fatty acids and some of the best, convenient protein you can find. Toss them on a salad or with your pasta, stuff your avocado with them, eat them with crackers, make them into sardine-cakes - we will all find new, modern ways of incorporating these gems this year.
8 / Liver. As pioneers of the wellness world keep going further back to traditional food ways, you can expect to see the resurgence of cooking with organ meats. Liver is a great place to start if you are new to this practice, especially if you are woman. Liver is extremely high in vitamin A, folate, iron, and B12 - which are all essential elements for women who are trying to conceive or suffering from any anemia. You can sauté liver with a little ghee, onion, and herbs, or make a light and delicious liver paté with some white wine in your food processor.
9 / Breakfast Salads. Vibrant, fresh foods will be climbing up the ladder towards breakfast more and more and I predict the Breakfast Salad is going to boom this year! Think fresh leafy greens with a scoop of cottage cheese, nuts and seeds, berries, avocado, sauerkraut, a slice of bacon or poached egg, roasted veggies from the night before all piled up together in a glorious bowl. Is this lunch? It could be. But it will also be breakfast in 2018. :)
10 / Ayurvedic Super Spices: Coriander, Cumin, Fennel, Turmeric. Turmeric is in everyone’s kitchen by now, but as the captivation with Ayurvedic wisdom continues we will see more of the nuances embraced. Look for more information on the uses of all of these powerful, healing spices and how to combine them for customized masalas and home remedies.
Looking back on this last day of the year! I’m not big on making hard resolutions for the new year - but I do like to reflect on the lessons learned in the current year and carry them into the next. This was a big transitional year for me with some big events - not always easy - and some lessons I encountered are that you are never alone in any struggle. The more energy you put into the world, the more you will receive back. Don’t be afraid of asking and putting yourself out there! Don’t be afraid of change, growth + transformation equal change. But with more things you say yes to in a full life, be mindful that you are not unintentionally saying no to something else you really need instead - like rest, or slowness, or self care. Hoping these lessons serve me well in 2018. Would love to hear some of what you all learned this year too! I think it was a big one for many of us. 🙌 (Also, inevitable photo-op when your new leggings match your new kitchen😉💁♀️). Happy NYE!
#medicinekitchen #foodismedicine #healingfoods #plantmedicine #homeremedies #holistichealth #healthathome #austintx #wellness #selfcare #nye2017 #mindfulness #gratitude #outdoorvoices #healthyeating #balancedlife #followyourheart #foodtherapy #chinesemedicine #nutrition
Going on pasta tonight and topping a soup tomorrow: HOLY BASIL PESTO. Holy Basil (Aka Tulsi) is an adaptogenic herb that can reduce cortisol levels and help with anxiety and hormone imbalance, among other things. It is widely regarded as one of the most useful broad-spectrum anti-stress adaptogenic herbs. It does beautifully in culinary uses - which is why you see it in so many teas. Made a fresh basil / lemon / garlic / pine nut pesto and simply added 3 tsp dried holy basil to it while in the food processor to level it up. 🌱🌱
#foodismedicine #healingfoods #superfoods #holybasil #tulsi #herbalmedicine #plantmedicine #homeremedies #onthetable #medicinekitchen #folkmedicine #healthathome #herbs #eatclean #eatyourgreens #levelup #mindfuleating #stressrelief #adaptogens #balancedmeal
I LOVE Thanksgiving. It also happens to be my birthday this year. 😍. Looking forward to breaking bread with my family and celebrating life tomorrow. This year I’m bringing a fresh arugula / dandelion / green apple & pomegranate seed salad. My homemade bread loaves above are from last year :) Sour & bitter foods aid in digestion so consider something with those flavors to balance your meal and it will help keep you feeling 👌. Happy holiday & see y’all next week!
#thanksgiving #tassajara #breakingbread #familydinner #fiveelements #healingfoods #foodismedicine #naturalhealth #superfoods #eattherainbow #eatclean #slowfood
NOURISHING METAL-VATA / In the current vulnerable season for Metal (aka Vata season in Ayurveda) it’s important to eat moist, soft, warming, hydrating foods. These foods balance the dryness and lightness of this element - an Air element - when it’s imbalanced or at its most extreme. Steamed Asian pear is a classic Chinese Medicine food cure for treating dryness in the lungs or lingering cough. Sooooo tasty too with my add-ins here. 👌. Enjoy if you are in need.
Steamed Asian Pear with Ginger, Herbs & Honey // 1 whole Asian pear cut and cored, 2 tsp grated ginger root split evenly between pear halves, few sprigs thyme and/or sage leaves. Assemble in steamer basket and fill with 1” water. Steam for ~12-15 minutes until tender and just softened, depending on size of pear. Drizzle with raw honey of choice and eat immediately. ✨.
#foodtherapy #foodismedicine #healingfoods #healingarts #foodcures #homeremedies #folkmedicine #plantmedicine #herbalmedicine #naturalhealth #wellness #healthyeating #metalelement #chinesemedicine #holistichealth #holisticnutrition