At the heart of what I do: Acupuncture! This here is a beautiful example of one style of acupuncture I practice called the Tan Balance Method. Do you have chronic pain? This may be a perfect fit for you as it is meridian-balancing- no need to treat the local area of pain that is already filled with tension and discomfort - I treat an opposite area of the body which balances the area of pain - my sweet client here is experiencing thumb pain associated with Trigger Thumb! The big toe balances the thumb! It’s perfectly wild. A combination of Tan-style acupuncture, gua sha, and moxibustion has her feeling 75% better already! 🙌.
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What’s for dinner? Asian Salmon with Bok Choy & Hei Zhi Ma - aka Black Sesame seed! Hei Zhi Ma is a legit Chinese herb we use for deficiency/depletion especially relating to the Liver and Kidneys. It’s very nourishing to the blood and YIN 🌑parts of our body. Personally, I got majorly depleted & lost a ton of hair after both my pregnancies - using herbs like this (among many other things) is a little daily ritual for me to cultivate more yin in my life. ❤
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