Afternoon pick me up:
½ tsp Astragalus
½ tsp He Shou Wu powders
½ Maca root powder
½ tsp coconut oil
½ tsp maple syrup
All melted into 8oz hot steeped chai tea and topped with foamed up coconut milk! They teach us not to combine Chinese herbs with anything but water so that they retain their healing qualities and your body can focus on assimilating the herbs in their pure form - I get it. I normally follow this rule. But hey, this mama is tired and needed a treat. 😉.
#nourishingfood #nourishyourself #herbalmedicine #herbs #astragalus #foodismedicine #treatyoself #chinesemedicine #onthetable #stressreliever #chai #wellness #momlife #momboss #medicinekitchen
I made paste this week - Haldi Doodh Paste! This is a paste for Golden Turmeric tea. Mix it up, keep it in the fridge, use liberally for a nourishing pick me up / cold or flu remedy / tonic Ayurvedic potion drink. It is so yummy… gingery, creamy, coconutty, spicy, peppery & sweet goodness. Having a paste is way easier than making it from scratch every single cup! Next paste on the blog - my Warrior Wellness paste for not getting sick. That combined with this turmeric tea is a recipe for HERO VITALITY! 😉
2 Tbsp fresh grated ginger root. 3 tsp ground turmeric. 1 tsp ground cardamom. 1 tsp ground cinnamon. 1/8 tsp or slightly more ground black pepper. Mix all this up in a small jar with a spoon. Add 2-3 Tbsp raw honey to cover & coat all spices and mix very thoroughly until smooth and even. Put a lid on it! When you want to make Golden Milk - heat up ½ C coconut milk (almond milk, whole milk) with ½ C water on stove. Use 1 tsp of mix per cup of tea. Strain through a cloth or mesh strainer into your cup. Bliss out with a warm beverage.
#holisticnutrition #ayurveda #goldenmilk #orientalmedicine #wholefoods #tonic #potion #turmeric #healingfoods #foodtherapy #wellness #immunity #tonic #herbalmedicine #medicinekitchen #onthetable #liveauthentic #eatclean #organicfood #homeremedies #folkmedicine #nourishyourself #nourishingfood