I’ve been mostly removed from this space the past couple weeks, but looking back at these 2018 posts I feel so grateful for new & old friends, my boys, my man, my family + all of you here who reach out to me and stay interested in learning about Chinese medicine & nutrition therapy and how to use this body of wisdom at home. I have a hot/cold relationship with instagram like many of you, I’m sure, so thank you for following along with me here and I hope to give you more useful and inspiring health tips for mind/body/spirit in 2019! Happy almost new year. 🥳🥰Xoxo.
#wellnessthatworks #medicinekitchen #chinesemedicine #holistichealth #nutritiontherapy #foodenergetics #intuitiveeating #eatgoodfeelgood #healthathome #goodqi #topnine2018 #mindfulness #mindbodyspirit #healthnut (at Austin, Texas)
I always bring the greens. Putting together what has been one of my favorite salads for the past few years for the holidays. It’s @heidijswanson Heirloom Apple salad and it’s 100% delightful. I use a bitter green combo of arugula and radicchio to balance the many sweet flavors of the traditional thanksgiving meal (meat, root vegetables, starches, grains, pies). All five flavors should be present in your meal but make especially sure you include something bitter and sour on this holiday as they will ⚖️ balance the scale of sweetness & 🧪 stimulate your liver to release bile for fat digestion. Digestion starts in the mouth🧡. Side note: you also have a wonderful opportunity with cranberry sauce to make it on the tart/raw side instead of sweet. Do this! It creates a great flavor balance to your meal. Happy meal planning. ❤️.
#nutritiontherapy #easternmedicine #fivephases #fiveflavors #thanksgivingdinner #thanksgivingtable #bitters #chinesemedicine #heidiswanson #101cookbooks #digestivehealth #healingfoods #foodtherapy #intuitiveeating (at Austin, Texas)
Earth Nourishing Cabbage Soup // I went over this in stories last night if you want to check it out while it’s still up. Ive been thinking a lot lately about food that nourishes the spirit, grounds us, & soothes the nervous system. These are Earth phase foods. And this happens to be Vata season and Metal season - Earth foods support these phases, as well as support us in turmoil, stress, or times of great fluctuation and change. These are our current times. To make this soup | ½ head green cabbage + 2 carrots + 1 small potato + 1 head fennel + 1-2 tsp anise seed + 2 tbsp ghee. Chop everything and sauté in ghee with anise until the veggies start to reduce in size and become tender. Add 5 C water and simmer for about 20 min. Add in 1-2 tsp light/ mellow miso and stir well. Remove half of the soup and blend/liquefy until smooth and return to pot. Stir together, add salt if needed, and serve. | This soup is naturally sweet and very aniseedy in flavor. The cabbage is cooling for stress and gut inflammation and the anise + fennel add warmth & movement to avoid stagnation. This is a quintessentially Earth phase soup to balance Vata and nourish Metal this fall. It’s great for promoting healthy digestive function & centering yourself. Must like anise flavor to enjoy. Take care of yourself and each other. 💗
#medicinekitchen #metalseason #chinesemedicine #fiveelements #mindfulness #healingfoods #therapeuticfoods #intuitiveeating #earthelement #stressfood #soups #vegetariancooking #eatingwelleats #anise #qifood #holisticnutrition (at Austin, Texas)
Sometimes on a flexible morning I’ll do “second breakfast,” especially if first breakfast was wack. As in, I ate an almost cold boiled egg a + 3 bites of avocado + lukewarm tea while hustling my kids off. Perfect time for second breakfast… usually about 1-2 hours after first breakfast. Today it’s a very nice bowl of leftover Millet with coconut milk, sautéed apples in ghee with cinnamon, cardamom + ginger. If you’re thinking ahead you can make this your first breakfast very easily and be done with it. 🧡🍃🍁.
#metalseason #warmth #chinesemedicine #medicinekitchen #healingfoods #intuitiveeating #seasonaleating #breakfastclub #snacks #wholefoods #healingwithwholefoods #holisticnutrition #apples #ghee #millet #dairyfree #noeggs (at Austin, Texas)
Is it possible to have too much miso and ginger tea? Like how much is too much? Asking for a friend. Also, when your last kid is still asleep at 8am, everyone else has already been gone for half an hour and you feel sooooo grateful for extra quiet / productive time but also 🤔!
#metalseason #chinesemedicine #medicinekitchen #miso #breakfastclub #healingfoods #therapeuticfoods #intuitiveeating #putaneggonit #mindfuleating #mindfulmoments #holisticnutrition #foodtherapy (at Austin, Texas)
Current lunch mood! I’ll make a version of these probably 3 days this week & I tend to go to these when I need a reset but also feel like something light / raw (although I rarely eat a whole raw meal - so some components still cooked here) - easy, very quick to assemble when you make a couple items in advance. Blanched Collard Veg wraps with roasted cauliflower + sunflower-cashew cream sauce. Check my stories later to see more about how to make these beauties! 🤤🤤
#healingarts #healingfoods #plantbased #lunchbunch #whattoeat #collardgreens #vegetarianrecipes #medicinekitchen #intuitiveeating #eatingwelleats (at Austin, Texas)
An idea for breakfast. Have it on the floor.
#medicinekitchen #healingarts #foodtherapy #chinesemedicine #intuitiveeating #mindfulness #changeitup #eggfreebreakfast #spaghettisquash #healingwithwholefoods #alonetime (at Austin, Texas)
Are you guys signed up for my newsletter? I send something out *about* 1x a month and September is about to be mailed! If you want to get this month’s note in your inbox - sign up with your email via the homepage of my website 👆🏻linked above. The MK Monthly is my journal filled with findings, thoughts, recipes, tips, challenges, & ideas on staying healthy in mind, body and spirit and what exactly that means - from my brain to yours. xo.
#healingarts #yinyang #foodtherapy #medicinekitchen #newsletter #journal #chinesemedicine #ayurveda #eastasianmedicine #selfcare #therapeuticfoods #intuitiveeating #mindfulness #mindbodyspirit #seasonalliving #prefall (at Austin, Texas)
The mighty mung bean. Soaked these and most will go into a batch of kitchari we will eat through the week/weekend and the rest for sprouting. Mung beans are such a therapeutic food. Cooling. Cleansing. Chinese doctors say they clear all toxins. They nourish Yin fluids in the body and cool redness / inflammation / swelling. They balance and comfort with their ‘sweet’ nature. We’ve had two weeks of vacation + I’ve got many emotions going on with my first son starting kindergarten/public school on Monday. Cooking up the comfort here in this transition time! Check out stories for some kitchari action shots 💗.
#medicinekitchen #chinesemedicine #ayurvedicmedicine #ayurveda #agni #digestivefire #intentionaleating #intuitiveeating #healingfoods #foodtherapy #plantmedicine #foodismedicine #healingwithwholefoods #stressfood (at Austin, Texas)
Moringa Mint Tea / Fresh Moringa leaves steeped with fresh mint, letting sit for a couple hours to really get all the minerals and nutrients into the water from these amazing leaves. Sweeten lightly with raw honey if desired. Moringa has a really interesting flavor when fresh / raw… I like it best when combined with other flavors. This tea turns a beautiful pale chartreuse color that feels ultra summery. ☀️.
Moringa is one of the best herbs to reduce inflammation (think allergies, arthritis, pain, acne, chronic illnesses), it’s also a great energy and immune booster as it can stabilize blood sugar levels and help your liver metabolize and detox better. Optimal blood sugar + less liver stress = more pep in your step. It’s traditionally been used as a remedy for so many ailments in Eastern countries - it’s so cool to see it grown here by our local farmers for us all to enjoy! Go find some at the @texasfarmersmarket 💚.
#intuitiveeating #holistichealth #fiveelements #medicinekitchen #herbalmedicine #plantmedicine #mindfuleating #homeremedies #moringa #infusion #herbaltea #healingfoods #foodtherapy #therapeuticfoods #antiinflammatoryfoods (at Austin, Texas)
My fave kind of salad - cooked + raw; some sweet, some sour, some spicy, some bitter and pungent. Why are meals like this so satisfying? It’s the whole circle of 5 elements in a bowl. 🏵 Happy weekend!
#holisticnutrition #eatwelllivewell #eattherainbow #medicinekitchen #superfoods #plantbasedmeals #plantmedicine #chinesemedicine #foodtherapy #instasalad #earthelement #fiveelements #fivephases #intuitiveeating #mindfuleating
I ate a version of this about 4x last week… it was the best lunch I’ve had in awhile including that rice cake 😂. It’s not easy eating gluten and dairy free all the time - it’s something I’m trying for my own health now and I don’t succeed 100% every day - although I did turn down some good AF Detroit style pizza last night, so 👏 for me. Planning beautiful, delicious lunches like this help. *Tip: when you have restrictions in your diet try buying 1-2 slightly indulgent ingredients for the week to make your meals feel special. It’s really helpful to add something fun when you have to take things away and will leave you feeling less short-handed. I did that this week with these pretty purple cilantro, kohlrabi & radish micro-greens… all my meals seemed so playful and inviting with them. // Collard leaf wrap with hummus, pecans, roasted sweet potatoes, leftover wild salmon, red cabbage kraut, micro greens, dulse flakes.
#foodsensitivities #glutenfreerecipes #foodtherapy #foodasmedicine #foodismedicine #intuitiveeating #eatbetterfeelbetter #healingfoods #holisticnutrition #powerofplants #chinesemedicine #healingarts