Artichoke monsters. I wish I could feed them one every day, maybe then they’d eventually get sick of them and actually leave some for me one day. :) Honestly, it’s one of my greatest pleasures watching my kids enjoy the favorite foods I enjoyed as a kid with my mom. Artichokes and mangos and pomegranates hold special memories, I remember it so vividly. I think because it was so experiential to eat these fun foods - like performing a ritual to get to the good stuff. Hoping to create memories for them too. .
Artichokes are known as a digestive aid that stimulate the appetite. They also help liver and gall bladder function by stimulating bile secretions, can lower serum cholesterol and have tons of anti-oxidants to help your body fight free radicals. @medicalmedium also says they play a crucial role in thyroid healing as certain compounds can act as a protective shield for the thyroid gland - guarding it from viruses and pathogens. Pretty interesting. So delicious too. ❤️.
#foodasmedicine #healingfoods #intuitiveeating #artichokes #thyroidhealth #medicalmedium #liverhealth #greenfoods #eatforhealth #holisticnutrition #fingerfoods #healthykids #medicinekitchen
A pediatric acupuncture session is usually more a combination of acupressure/bodywork, essential oils, a few baby needles perhaps, and a lot of love & curiosity. Kids are so responsive to energy medicine as their nervous and immune systems are still developing and not overburdened by decades of bad habits or stress… they are so adaptable to change. Treating my 4 yr old here today in this amazing twinkling light. So fun for me. ✨✨ For more tips on keeping the kids healthy this season check out my recent blog post for @lovechildmag up in my profile 👆🏻.
#healthykids #healthyfamilies #pediatrics #acupunctureworks #acupuncture #acukids #chinesemedicine #privatepractice #liveauthentic #naturalhealing #healingarts #essentialoils #acupressure (at Sarah Senter, LAc + Medicine Kitchen)
I’m over on @lovechildmag today talking about tips to keep your kids healthy and fight illness naturally during the school year. Head over there to get all the info! 📷 by .
#lovechild #austinmom #momlife #healthykids #healthyfamily #immunehealth #coldandflu #schoolbugs #medicinekitchen #unitedinmotherhood #holistichealth #naturalhealing #healingfoods #herbalmedicine
Mango Lime Gelatin Bites //// Purée 1 whole ripe mango in blender until silky smooth. Add juice of ½ lime. Heat up mango juice on stove with 1 spoonful raw honey, until just simmering and then add 3 Tbsp beef gelatin powder 1 scoop at a time - dissolving each one completely with a whisk before adding another. Pour it into molds and set in fridge. So easy. Takes about 15 min. //// These little guys are so nice to have around for tiny, grabbing hands. When Woods kept asking for candy after Halloween - every day, naturally - I thought good God what can I do to distract him from this? Made some gelatin-rich fruit based gummies and they have worked like a charm! I used @vitalproteins Grass Fed Beef Gelatin that is totally flavorless. I love giving them a treat I have zero guilt about. 💛💛.
#foodismedicine #gelatin #healyourgut #loveyourguts #healthyeating #healthykids #healthysnacks #medicinekitchen #healingfoods #foodtherapy #wellness #momlife
Making a lot of frozen cauliflower based smoothie bowls lately inspired by @leefromamerica. They come out way less sweet. I like the smoothie “bowl” you can actually eat with a spoon, add toppings, & make it feel like an actual meal and not just a drink. This is a pretty blueberry one with avocado + almond butter+ date+ coconut flakes + sliced almonds + bee pollen + blackberries + maca root + probiotics + he shou wu + astragalus + filtered water. Everything but the kitchen sink. Happy weekend! ✌️
#smoothiebowl #smoothie #recipes #medicinekitchen #foodismedicine #healingfoods #superfoods #onthetable #healthyeating #healthykids #healthyfamily #wellness #eattherainbow #eatclean #nourishedlife #holistichealth #wholefoods
•Grain Free Nut Muffins•
I’ve made these nut flour muffins many times and this time may have been my favorite. Got the process up as a story currently. They are made entirely of nuts as a base so you don’t get the fluffy airy texture of a normal muffin- but I actually like the texture and the flavor so much we eat them up in hours usually - the kids devour them for snack and/or breakfast. Great for low-carb eating and gluten-free folks. Here’s the super simple recipe //
1 ½ C raw nuts - here a combo of mostly almonds, with hazelnuts and pecans.
3 free-range eggs
¼ C pure maple syrup
¼ tsp sea salt
1 tsp vanilla extract
Ground nuts in a Vitamix (or food processor would work probably) until you achieve a coarse flour.
Add all other ingredients & mix until a smooth batter is formed.
Pour into greased or buttered muffin tins and bake at 375 for ~14-15 minutes. Made about 8 muffins for me. Slather with grass-fed butter & believe me I think this step is essential. ❤️
#grainfree #lowcarb #glutenfree #wellness #medicinekitchen #eatclean #foodismedicine #momlife #unitedinmotherhood #nourishyourself #healthykids #healthyeating #naturalhealth #wholefoods #forkyeah #holisticnutrition #healthyfats #healthathome #grassfed