Going on pasta tonight and topping a soup tomorrow: HOLY BASIL PESTO. Holy Basil (Aka Tulsi) is an adaptogenic herb that can reduce cortisol levels and help with anxiety and hormone imbalance, among other things. It is widely regarded as one of the most useful broad-spectrum anti-stress adaptogenic herbs. It does beautifully in culinary uses - which is why you see it in so many teas. Made a fresh basil / lemon / garlic / pine nut pesto and simply added 3 tsp dried holy basil to it while in the food processor to level it up. 🌱🌱
#foodismedicine #healingfoods #superfoods #holybasil #tulsi #herbalmedicine #plantmedicine #homeremedies #onthetable #medicinekitchen #folkmedicine #healthathome #herbs #eatclean #eatyourgreens #levelup #mindfuleating #stressrelief #adaptogens #balancedmeal
Front and center. It’s where I like to keep the herbs. I could put them into the pantry I guess but they’re so pretty - and I find I use them more when they are out and I see them each day. It’s like vitamins - they need to be within arm’s reach or it’s not happening. (Is that just me?) They are a reminder to eat with intention, create new things, and always get back on track when things fall away. Currently on the shelf// Dried ginger, wild rose, lavender, goji berries, lemon balm, chamomile flowers, dried astragalus, rehmannia. 💫.
#herbalmedicine #folkmedicine #homeremedies #herbs #healthathome #medicinekitchen #adaptogens #chineseherbs #plantmedicine #healingfoods #foodtherapy #superfoods #mountainroseherbs #teatime #startsomewhere
NOURISHING METAL-VATA / In the current vulnerable season for Metal (aka Vata season in Ayurveda) it’s important to eat moist, soft, warming, hydrating foods. These foods balance the dryness and lightness of this element - an Air element - when it’s imbalanced or at its most extreme. Steamed Asian pear is a classic Chinese Medicine food cure for treating dryness in the lungs or lingering cough. Sooooo tasty too with my add-ins here. 👌. Enjoy if you are in need.
Steamed Asian Pear with Ginger, Herbs & Honey // 1 whole Asian pear cut and cored, 2 tsp grated ginger root split evenly between pear halves, few sprigs thyme and/or sage leaves. Assemble in steamer basket and fill with 1” water. Steam for ~12-15 minutes until tender and just softened, depending on size of pear. Drizzle with raw honey of choice and eat immediately. ✨.
#foodtherapy #foodismedicine #healingfoods #healingarts #foodcures #homeremedies #folkmedicine #plantmedicine #herbalmedicine #naturalhealth #wellness #healthyeating #metalelement #chinesemedicine #holistichealth #holisticnutrition
FIRE CIDER —-> Watch the story today for step by step action making this batch. Fire Cider is a great home remedy for colds/sniffles/flu symptoms/sinus congestion/ body aches and chills that come during the winter season and school year. It’s also just a great immune tonic you can take in small doses to help prevent seasonal sickness. Horseradish is the primary star of this remedy and you can smell the healing pungency of this root when you cut it open - it’s amazing. One of nature’s gifts to us. Save a small inch or two of it for juicing or vitamixing when you really need help opening your sinuses. 😊.
#firecider #healingfoods #foodtherapy #homeremedy #folkmedicine #herbalmedicine #herbalism #medicinewoman #medicinekitchen #naturalhealth #naturalkids #organickids #wellness #selfcare #holistichealth
Waiting to become a wonderful remedy. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s story on preparing your own Fire Cider for Fall/Winter. 🍁🔥. Pro Tip: Do it Now!
#firecider #recipes #folkmedicine #wellness #homeremedies #coldsandflu #staystrong #healingarts #superfoods #healingfoods #foodtherapy #nourishingtraditions #herbalmedicine #medicinekitchen
After a busy week of no sleep (baby AND 4 yr old related), stress with house construction, and a full schedule of patients I’ll be making this variation of @motherbees sleepy time potion of almond milk + chamomile + lavender + lemon balm + honey. Praying it does the trick :) 💆😴.
📷by @heathergallagher.photography
#nourishyourself #restorative #calmdown #healingfoods #foodismedicine #foodtherapy #herbaltea #herbs #herbalmedicine #medicinekitchen #chamomile #lavender #sleepytime #liveauthentic #tcmnutrition #holisticnutrition #ritual #superfoods #folkmedicine
There are a handful of bulk healing herbs I always keep in the kitchen. Chamomile flowers, lavender, licorice root, lemon balm, goji berries (gou qi zi in Chinese medicine) are what is shown here today. Besides being beautiful & versatile, they remind me that our food can be so much more than just calories that give us fuel. It can be healing and life-enhancing. Having herbs within an arm’s reach makes it easy to remember this truth and implement it. Adventure to your local herb shop or try @mountainroseherbs online to start building your medicine kitchen. ❤️. 📷by @heathergallagher.photography
#healingfoods #healingarts #foodismedicine #superfoods #foodtherapy #herbalism #folkmedicine #herbs #gojiberries #licorice #chamomile #lavender #medicinekitchen #healthyliving #healthyeating #eatclean #eattherainbow #pantrygoals #chinesemedicine #nourishyourself #herbalmedicine
A medicine kitchen doesn’t have to be extensive, fancy, or complicated. Some bulk herbs, fresh ginger, turmeric & garlic, some good raw honey, apple cider vinegar, a few superfoods to alternate here and there. There are many expensive & trendy products out there that could make really useful additions to your pantry, but they are nothing compared to simply making sure the foods you buy and cook with on a daily basis are nourishing and health-promoting instead of health-sabotaging. Nothing in this picture costs more than $10. Start with some basics and build as your life allows. ❤️.
#foodtherapy #foodismedicine #medicinekitchen #holisticnutrition #onthetable #liveauthentic #superfoods #eatclean #eattherainbow #folkmedicine #herbalmedicine #herbalism #antiinflammatory #naturalhealth #nourishingtraditions #wellness #organicmama #startsomewhere
The Wellness Ritual with Alyson Fox
Today marks the beginning of a new series for Medicine Kitchen called The Wellness Ritual. This series is about inspiring people who embody what it is to lead a healthy and conscious lifestyle. These are people who value taking care of themselves, others, and the world at large. I ask them questions about their personal healing journey and the rituals they use in their lives to stay balanced and inspired both mentally and physically. I hope you enjoy!
Alyson Fox is a designer & artist residing outside Austin, TX. She is my friend and my fitness inspiration. She also happens to be an amazing cook and curious seeker of life-enhancing methods of all sorts.
MK: So, I know you to be quite healthy in your habits, what is your most tried and trusted ritual for your overall health?
AF: Honestly, snuggling with Stache (our dog). Hugging our pup close and focusing on his breathing and smelling him really helps to calm me down and makes me more present. Bringing him home from the shelter was the best gift we have given ourselves mentally. He’s so silly and easy.
MK: When you are able to, what kind of special treatment or therapy do you use to revitalize yourself?
AF: I take a bath that I add mineral salts, baking soda, apple cider vinegar and some almond oil to. I smear a clay mask on my face and soak while reading a magazine. I also get a 10-20 min chair massage before my period.
MK: Well, I took notes on that bath situation and will be trying that immediately! Do you have a spiritual ritual you practice? If so, what is that for you?
AF: Laying outside on a blanket with my husband and listening to instrumental music. Stache is usually smushed between us. Also, taking my shoes off and feeling the earth beneath my feet helps me feel grounded.
Alyson jumping on her mini-trampoline. 5-7 minutes per day for cardio and lymphatic drainage.
MK: Was there a moment in your life or reason you became more devoted to self-care and healthy living?
AF: I was always focused on pushing my body physically from a young age. All of that caught up to me in my early thirties. I went for a run one day and felt very depleted- I’m pretty sure I cried. I stopped 5 minutes in and walked home. I started to rethink what a strong body is. I always felt that you had to exhaust yourself, sweat and eat very specific things to be healthy. Now I have a much different approach. A gentler approach where I move my body often but with softer movements. I eat whole foods but I definitely indulge. I am kinder to myself overall and listen to my body more.
MK: Take a quick picture of something healthy you ate this week:
Alyson’s Coconut Milk Chia Seed Pudding made with lemon juice, date, and vanilla powder, topped with peanut butter and figs. :)
MK: What are your current favorite 2 superfoods or supplements and how do you use them?
AF: 1. Dark chocolate- I eat several squares every- single- day! Sometimes with cashew butter smeared on top and things like sea salt, cinnamon, black sesame seeds, fig……endless possibilities. 2. Ghee or grass fed butter. I add some to my tea with some almond milk and sometimes I smear on my lips.
Thanks Aly! Healing hugs for the win :)
All images (except Aly’s pudding) by Heather Gallagher Photography. :)
Think that’s coffee in my cup? Think again! I was so happy to hear of this company @rasakoffee who makes what they call “an adaptogenic coffee alternative”. I’m the kind who loves the taste and smell of coffee but cannot drink it without paying a price. Thankfully, I love tea as well. I often infuse my hot teas with herbs/ oils/ superfoods but Rasa Koffee does that for you. Guys, this is like going to the Chinese bulk herb pharm & having it ground for you and ready to brew in a French press! It’s full of super powered balancing and energy boosting herbs like rhodiola, ginseng, codonopsis, and he shou wu. If you’ve tasted Chinese herbs before you will think it tastes great - but if you’ve never tasted bulk herbs decocted in water you will think it tastes off at first. But simply add some steamed milk of choice, a little maple or honey and that off becomes an ON pretty fast. So grateful for products like these - helping us all stay healthy with convenience and ease ❤️.
#herbs #herbalmedicine #medicinekitchen #rasakoffee #adaptogens #coffeetime #caffeinefree #folkmedicine #tealover #acupaday #apotionaday #ginseng #holistichealth #naturalhealth #chinesemedicine #onthetable #liveauthentic #foodismedicine #foodtherapy #detox #tealatte #nourishyourself
I made paste this week - Haldi Doodh Paste! This is a paste for Golden Turmeric tea. Mix it up, keep it in the fridge, use liberally for a nourishing pick me up / cold or flu remedy / tonic Ayurvedic potion drink. It is so yummy… gingery, creamy, coconutty, spicy, peppery & sweet goodness. Having a paste is way easier than making it from scratch every single cup! Next paste on the blog - my Warrior Wellness paste for not getting sick. That combined with this turmeric tea is a recipe for HERO VITALITY! 😉
2 Tbsp fresh grated ginger root. 3 tsp ground turmeric. 1 tsp ground cardamom. 1 tsp ground cinnamon. 1/8 tsp or slightly more ground black pepper. Mix all this up in a small jar with a spoon. Add 2-3 Tbsp raw honey to cover & coat all spices and mix very thoroughly until smooth and even. Put a lid on it! When you want to make Golden Milk - heat up ½ C coconut milk (almond milk, whole milk) with ½ C water on stove. Use 1 tsp of mix per cup of tea. Strain through a cloth or mesh strainer into your cup. Bliss out with a warm beverage.
#holisticnutrition #ayurveda #goldenmilk #orientalmedicine #wholefoods #tonic #potion #turmeric #healingfoods #foodtherapy #wellness #immunity #tonic #herbalmedicine #medicinekitchen #onthetable #liveauthentic #eatclean #organicfood #homeremedies #folkmedicine #nourishyourself #nourishingfood
Whoa. It’s been a doozy at my house the past 2 days with stomach virus. None of us escaped it! Hydration is sometimes your only & best strategy for these times. I made a garlic-ginger-lemonade for us all this morning - something soothing and healing to drink that will gently combat pathogens. The kids and I will drink this cup by little cup until our appetites come home. Making a garlic infusion like this is great for viral or bacterial bugs - whether it be respiratory or digestive. 💛
Garlic- Ginger- Lemonade: Mince 2 large cloves of fresh garlic and place them in pitcher. Add 5 slices fresh ginger. Fill the vessel with boiling water and cover for 30 minutes. Strain out the garlic & ginger, and to the liquid add the juice of 1 ½ whole lemons. Sweeten to taste with honey (~ 1 tbsp more or less to taste). Serve warm and offer as much to the “patient” as they will drink. :)
#healingfoods #nourish #wholefoods #herbs #medicinekitchen #sick #antiviral #homeremedies #folkmedicine #foodtherapy #pediatrics #ginger #garlic #infusion #healthathome #naturalhealth #wellness #healing