I’ve been mostly removed from this space the past couple weeks, but looking back at these 2018 posts I feel so grateful for new & old friends, my boys, my man, my family + all of you here who reach out to me and stay interested in learning about Chinese medicine & nutrition therapy and how to use this body of wisdom at home. I have a hot/cold relationship with instagram like many of you, I’m sure, so thank you for following along with me here and I hope to give you more useful and inspiring health tips for mind/body/spirit in 2019! Happy almost new year. 🥳🥰Xoxo.
#wellnessthatworks #medicinekitchen #chinesemedicine #holistichealth #nutritiontherapy #foodenergetics #intuitiveeating #eatgoodfeelgood #healthathome #goodqi #topnine2018 #mindfulness #mindbodyspirit #healthnut (at Austin, Texas)
This is me doing my crazy smile & geeking out about how much I love cupping people. Did you know you don’t have to get mad bruise marks from cupping treatments like you see in the press? It’s true. Gliding cupping can be wonderfully gentle for all of you sensitive souls out there too. 😍😍.
#cuppingtherapy #chinesemedicine #acupunctureworks #austinacupuncture #acupuncture #easternmedicine #healingarts #naturalhealth #pinsandneedles #acupuncturist #wellness #goodqi (at Sarah Senter, LAc + Medicine Kitchen)