The mighty mung bean. Soaked these and most will go into a batch of kitchari we will eat through the week/weekend and the rest for sprouting. Mung beans are such a therapeutic food. Cooling. Cleansing. Chinese doctors say they clear all toxins. They nourish Yin fluids in the body and cool redness / inflammation / swelling. They balance and comfort with their ‘sweet’ nature. We’ve had two weeks of vacation + I’ve got many emotions going on with my first son starting kindergarten/public school on Monday. Cooking up the comfort here in this transition time! Check out stories for some kitchari action shots 💗.
#medicinekitchen #chinesemedicine #ayurvedicmedicine #ayurveda #agni #digestivefire #intentionaleating #intuitiveeating #healingfoods #foodtherapy #plantmedicine #foodismedicine #healingwithwholefoods #stressfood (at Austin, Texas)
Last week I had a group of 10 people (+ myself) experience a week with zero social media that focused on nourishing your body, mind, & spirit through healing foods, mindfulness, daily meditations, and creative cultivation. It was the first time I’ve ever done an ‘online’ program and I have to say it was so heart-warming & energizing to experience - both as a participant and as a leader for me. I’ll be posting some testimonials for the 5 Days Away program up in IG stories today - if you’re interested in joining us in the next group starting on July 9th please take a look and see what the feedback has been! 🙌💗. Registration is open on my website for another couple weeks. This is a little snippet of one of the recipes we made last week to stoke our digestive fire. :)
#medicinekitchen #plantmedicine #healingfoods #therapeuticfoods #fiveelements #fiveflavors #fivephases #earthelement #digestivehealth #socialmediacleanse #digitaldetox #mentaldigestion #5daysaway #mindfuleating #mindbodyspirit (at Austin, Texas)
Moringa Mint Tea / Fresh Moringa leaves steeped with fresh mint, letting sit for a couple hours to really get all the minerals and nutrients into the water from these amazing leaves. Sweeten lightly with raw honey if desired. Moringa has a really interesting flavor when fresh / raw… I like it best when combined with other flavors. This tea turns a beautiful pale chartreuse color that feels ultra summery. ☀️.
Moringa is one of the best herbs to reduce inflammation (think allergies, arthritis, pain, acne, chronic illnesses), it’s also a great energy and immune booster as it can stabilize blood sugar levels and help your liver metabolize and detox better. Optimal blood sugar + less liver stress = more pep in your step. It’s traditionally been used as a remedy for so many ailments in Eastern countries - it’s so cool to see it grown here by our local farmers for us all to enjoy! Go find some at the @texasfarmersmarket 💚.
#intuitiveeating #holistichealth #fiveelements #medicinekitchen #herbalmedicine #plantmedicine #mindfuleating #homeremedies #moringa #infusion #herbaltea #healingfoods #foodtherapy #therapeuticfoods #antiinflammatoryfoods (at Austin, Texas)
Breaking my IG fast today by getting stoked at the farmers market and sharing this beautiful haul. FRESH Moringa leaves from @bernhardtsfarm!! I couldn’t believe my eyes. Can’t wait to eat / cook them into something. Happy Sunday 💛.
#mindfuleating #austinfarmersmarket #moringa #superfoods #plantmedicine #herbalmedicine #foodismedicine #peachseason (at Austin, Texas)
My fave kind of salad - cooked + raw; some sweet, some sour, some spicy, some bitter and pungent. Why are meals like this so satisfying? It’s the whole circle of 5 elements in a bowl. 🏵 Happy weekend!
#holisticnutrition #eatwelllivewell #eattherainbow #medicinekitchen #superfoods #plantbasedmeals #plantmedicine #chinesemedicine #foodtherapy #instasalad #earthelement #fiveelements #fivephases #intuitiveeating #mindfuleating
A little for them. A little for me. Are any of you still dealing with on & off (or even constant) sickness this season? I keep hearing stories, seeing all the kids out of school, and keep trying to protect my own family after we had the flu a few weeks ago. This is a cycle that becomes incredibly frustrating for families. Please remember, getting sick does not mean you failed at something. Here’s a little pick me up juice we’ve been making to keep our immunity and spirits up. ☀️ 1 C organic Pineapple juice / 2 small celery ribs / ~3 in. length of cucumber / few large basil leaves / squeeze of lime juice / probiotic powder / 1 tsp ginger (or few dashes ginger powder). Tons of vitamin C in here. Tons of anti-inflammation. Probiotics to keep our guts strong. Some ginger to also fire up the digestion —-> which helps the immune/respiratory system.
#healingfoods #foodtherapy #intuitiveeating #superfoods #bromelain #holistichealth #holisticnutrition #juicerecipes #immunesupport #immunetonic #kidshealth #immunityboost #therapeuticfoods #vitaminc #plantmedicine #selfcare
Looking back on this last day of the year! I’m not big on making hard resolutions for the new year - but I do like to reflect on the lessons learned in the current year and carry them into the next. This was a big transitional year for me with some big events - not always easy - and some lessons I encountered are that you are never alone in any struggle. The more energy you put into the world, the more you will receive back. Don’t be afraid of asking and putting yourself out there! Don’t be afraid of change, growth + transformation equal change. But with more things you say yes to in a full life, be mindful that you are not unintentionally saying no to something else you really need instead - like rest, or slowness, or self care. Hoping these lessons serve me well in 2018. Would love to hear some of what you all learned this year too! I think it was a big one for many of us. 🙌 (Also, inevitable photo-op when your new leggings match your new kitchen😉💁♀️). Happy NYE!
#medicinekitchen #foodismedicine #healingfoods #plantmedicine #homeremedies #holistichealth #healthathome #austintx #wellness #selfcare #nye2017 #mindfulness #gratitude #outdoorvoices #healthyeating #balancedlife #followyourheart #foodtherapy #chinesemedicine #nutrition
BULK // Going back to raw herb formulas at home. After years of being on again & off again of herbs and supplements in various pill and liquid forms, for convenience mostly since half my time is spent running after 2 young children, it feels like going home to put together a proper bulk herb formula for myself. Though they may take more time and thought to prepare (maybe this is a good thing when we are trying to bring forth health!), they are more potent than what we call “patents” - pre-made pill and capsule forms. Pretty too! My body has been reaching out to me… trying to tell me something lately. Trying my best to make space & fully listen. 🌱.
#tonify #qiandblood #chineseherbs #herbalism #chinesemedicine #decoction #rawherbs #easternmedicine #healingpower #healingarts #superfoods #plantmedicine
Going on pasta tonight and topping a soup tomorrow: HOLY BASIL PESTO. Holy Basil (Aka Tulsi) is an adaptogenic herb that can reduce cortisol levels and help with anxiety and hormone imbalance, among other things. It is widely regarded as one of the most useful broad-spectrum anti-stress adaptogenic herbs. It does beautifully in culinary uses - which is why you see it in so many teas. Made a fresh basil / lemon / garlic / pine nut pesto and simply added 3 tsp dried holy basil to it while in the food processor to level it up. 🌱🌱
#foodismedicine #healingfoods #superfoods #holybasil #tulsi #herbalmedicine #plantmedicine #homeremedies #onthetable #medicinekitchen #folkmedicine #healthathome #herbs #eatclean #eatyourgreens #levelup #mindfuleating #stressrelief #adaptogens #balancedmeal
Front and center. It’s where I like to keep the herbs. I could put them into the pantry I guess but they’re so pretty - and I find I use them more when they are out and I see them each day. It’s like vitamins - they need to be within arm’s reach or it’s not happening. (Is that just me?) They are a reminder to eat with intention, create new things, and always get back on track when things fall away. Currently on the shelf// Dried ginger, wild rose, lavender, goji berries, lemon balm, chamomile flowers, dried astragalus, rehmannia. 💫.
#herbalmedicine #folkmedicine #homeremedies #herbs #healthathome #medicinekitchen #adaptogens #chineseherbs #plantmedicine #healingfoods #foodtherapy #superfoods #mountainroseherbs #teatime #startsomewhere
NOURISHING METAL-VATA / In the current vulnerable season for Metal (aka Vata season in Ayurveda) it’s important to eat moist, soft, warming, hydrating foods. These foods balance the dryness and lightness of this element - an Air element - when it’s imbalanced or at its most extreme. Steamed Asian pear is a classic Chinese Medicine food cure for treating dryness in the lungs or lingering cough. Sooooo tasty too with my add-ins here. 👌. Enjoy if you are in need.
Steamed Asian Pear with Ginger, Herbs & Honey // 1 whole Asian pear cut and cored, 2 tsp grated ginger root split evenly between pear halves, few sprigs thyme and/or sage leaves. Assemble in steamer basket and fill with 1” water. Steam for ~12-15 minutes until tender and just softened, depending on size of pear. Drizzle with raw honey of choice and eat immediately. ✨.
#foodtherapy #foodismedicine #healingfoods #healingarts #foodcures #homeremedies #folkmedicine #plantmedicine #herbalmedicine #naturalhealth #wellness #healthyeating #metalelement #chinesemedicine #holistichealth #holisticnutrition