I’ve been mostly removed from this space the past couple weeks, but looking back at these 2018 posts I feel so grateful for new & old friends, my boys, my man, my family + all of you here who reach out to me and stay interested in learning about Chinese medicine & nutrition therapy and how to use this body of wisdom at home. I have a hot/cold relationship with instagram like many of you, I’m sure, so thank you for following along with me here and I hope to give you more useful and inspiring health tips for mind/body/spirit in 2019! Happy almost new year. 🥳🥰Xoxo.
#wellnessthatworks #medicinekitchen #chinesemedicine #holistichealth #nutritiontherapy #foodenergetics #intuitiveeating #eatgoodfeelgood #healthathome #goodqi #topnine2018 #mindfulness #mindbodyspirit #healthnut (at Austin, Texas)
I always bring the greens. Putting together what has been one of my favorite salads for the past few years for the holidays. It’s @heidijswanson Heirloom Apple salad and it’s 100% delightful. I use a bitter green combo of arugula and radicchio to balance the many sweet flavors of the traditional thanksgiving meal (meat, root vegetables, starches, grains, pies). All five flavors should be present in your meal but make especially sure you include something bitter and sour on this holiday as they will ⚖️ balance the scale of sweetness & 🧪 stimulate your liver to release bile for fat digestion. Digestion starts in the mouth🧡. Side note: you also have a wonderful opportunity with cranberry sauce to make it on the tart/raw side instead of sweet. Do this! It creates a great flavor balance to your meal. Happy meal planning. ❤️.
#nutritiontherapy #easternmedicine #fivephases #fiveflavors #thanksgivingdinner #thanksgivingtable #bitters #chinesemedicine #heidiswanson #101cookbooks #digestivehealth #healingfoods #foodtherapy #intuitiveeating (at Austin, Texas)
I guess I’ve always loved to bring things together. I was lucky to see the beauty in Chinese medicine at a young age and it still deeply moves me today. Feeling grateful to have this work & worldview in my life. 🙌.
#chinesemedicine #holistichealth #healingarts #qi #fivephases #fiveelements #easternmedicine #acupuncture #foodtherapy #healingfoods #nutritiontherapy #mindbodyspirit #mindbodygreen #easternphilosophy #artandscience (at Austin, Texas)
Change the model. If something’s not working for you - change things up. Look at it from a different angle - get another perspective. Don’t be afraid to use your own experience and knowledge in a new way, don’t be afraid to take big steps or go in a new direction that is true to your heart ⚪️ I’m working on something special these next few weeks and getting so so excited to share more with you guys on how to integrate 5 Elements and all the wisdom TCM and East Asian Medicine have for seasonal, balanced living. 💛.
#medicinekitchen #nutritiontherapy #chinesemedicine #eastasianmedicine #fiveelements #5elements #seasonalliving #mindbodyspirit #foodtherapy #healingfoods #earthelement #ayurveda #yinyang #healingarts (at Austin, Texas)
I’m puttin up a highlight section for what I call “⚡️meals” which are photos of meals I make during the weeks with ingredients and simple methods included (just not full exact recipes) for those of you who are interested and need ideas for healthy eating. Medicine Kitchen started out as a convenient way to inspire my clients to stay healthy in between their acupuncture sessions - healthy eating & cooking is a big part of that. Hope it can foster some ideas to keep you all on track or get on the track to start with! Start where you are 💗. Have a great weekend!
#holistichealthcare #acupuncture #chinesemedicine #easternmedicine #foodtherapy #healingfoods #nutritiontherapy #mealplanning #mealprepideas #eatyourgreens #foodismedicine #naturalhealing #healingarts #medicinekitchen (at Austin, Texas)