Fall is the Metal phase and respiratory / lung + large intestine phase. Breath work can really help nourish your lung qi — it strengthens respiratory function, cleanses the lungs, improves your protective “wei” qi (aka immunity) and also decreases general stagnation and stress in the body. These are all things you want to be doing to prevent illness and strengthen your immunity this fall! I’ll be sending out my full Lung Qi video routine in my newsletter later this month will an explanation of all these specific movements - but here’s a taste of some breathing exercises (qi gong) you can do at home to encourage your respiratory system to stay strong this season. Talking more about immunity tips - food and products - in stories this week as well! Love, Sarah 💗.
#medicinekitchen #healingarts #acupuncture #chinesemedicine #fivephases #metalseason #fall #lunghealth #fiveelements #metalelement #qigong #breathwork #breathandbody #justbreathe #seasonalliving #complementarymedicine
Are you guys signed up for my newsletter? I send something out *about* 1x a month and September is about to be mailed! If you want to get this month’s note in your inbox - sign up with your email via the homepage of my website 👆🏻linked above. The MK Monthly is my journal filled with findings, thoughts, recipes, tips, challenges, & ideas on staying healthy in mind, body and spirit and what exactly that means - from my brain to yours. xo.
#healingarts #yinyang #foodtherapy #medicinekitchen #newsletter #journal #chinesemedicine #ayurveda #eastasianmedicine #selfcare #therapeuticfoods #intuitiveeating #mindfulness #mindbodyspirit #seasonalliving #prefall (at Austin, Texas)
Change the model. If something’s not working for you - change things up. Look at it from a different angle - get another perspective. Don’t be afraid to use your own experience and knowledge in a new way, don’t be afraid to take big steps or go in a new direction that is true to your heart ⚪️ I’m working on something special these next few weeks and getting so so excited to share more with you guys on how to integrate 5 Elements and all the wisdom TCM and East Asian Medicine have for seasonal, balanced living. 💛.
#medicinekitchen #nutritiontherapy #chinesemedicine #eastasianmedicine #fiveelements #5elements #seasonalliving #mindbodyspirit #foodtherapy #healingfoods #earthelement #ayurveda #yinyang #healingarts (at Austin, Texas)