Fall is the Metal phase and respiratory / lung + large intestine phase. Breath work can really help nourish your lung qi — it strengthens respiratory function, cleanses the lungs, improves your protective “wei” qi (aka immunity) and also decreases general stagnation and stress in the body. These are all things you want to be doing to prevent illness and strengthen your immunity this fall! I’ll be sending out my full Lung Qi video routine in my newsletter later this month will an explanation of all these specific movements - but here’s a taste of some breathing exercises (qi gong) you can do at home to encourage your respiratory system to stay strong this season. Talking more about immunity tips - food and products - in stories this week as well! Love, Sarah 💗.
#medicinekitchen #healingarts #acupuncture #chinesemedicine #fivephases #metalseason #fall #lunghealth #fiveelements #metalelement #qigong #breathwork #breathandbody #justbreathe #seasonalliving #complementarymedicine
NOURISHING METAL-VATA / In the current vulnerable season for Metal (aka Vata season in Ayurveda) it’s important to eat moist, soft, warming, hydrating foods. These foods balance the dryness and lightness of this element - an Air element - when it’s imbalanced or at its most extreme. Steamed Asian pear is a classic Chinese Medicine food cure for treating dryness in the lungs or lingering cough. Sooooo tasty too with my add-ins here. 👌. Enjoy if you are in need.
Steamed Asian Pear with Ginger, Herbs & Honey // 1 whole Asian pear cut and cored, 2 tsp grated ginger root split evenly between pear halves, few sprigs thyme and/or sage leaves. Assemble in steamer basket and fill with 1” water. Steam for ~12-15 minutes until tender and just softened, depending on size of pear. Drizzle with raw honey of choice and eat immediately. ✨.
#foodtherapy #foodismedicine #healingfoods #healingarts #foodcures #homeremedies #folkmedicine #plantmedicine #herbalmedicine #naturalhealth #wellness #healthyeating #metalelement #chinesemedicine #holistichealth #holisticnutrition
The 5 Elements ( often called 5 Phases) are METAL, WATER, WOOD, FIRE, EARTH. The Metal energy peaks in the fall. In the cool, crisp, clean air, metal people feel they can accomplish anything. The color of Metal is white, and the refinement associated with precious metals resonates with Metal types in their soul. A person with a Metal qi imbalance may be overly-critical or have a hard time letting go. When the Metal energy is weak there may be Lung/Respiratory or Large Intestine illness. The flavor of this element is pungent- nourishing mine with a dish of white asparagus/radish/green onion and salmon with an orange-ginger dressing. 👌🎐⚪️🍚🕊
#nourishyourself #foodtherapy #foodismedicine #foodrules #5elements #chinesemedicine #herbalmedicine #medicinekitchen #onthetable #liveauthentic #eatclean #eatingwelleats #eattherainbow #nutrition #fiveflavors #metalelement #holisticnutrition #holistichealth #balance #yinyang #kimchi #healthyeating