Cupping is magic. Have you had it before? It was originally used by Taoist medical herbalists and was a popular treatment for the royal family. Cupping healers are found throughout many cultures across the world. It is oh-so-good for pain and tension relief, but can also promote deep relaxation, help respiratory issues and colds, improve digestion & lymph circulation, and reduce headaches. One therapy I love to provide in my practice. ⭐️
#healing #wellness #naturalhealth #cupping #cuppingtherapy #acupuncture #holistichealth #massage #chinesemedicine #detox #painrelief #tension #relaxation #bodywork #orientalmedicine #medicinekitchen #feelinggood #privatepractice
Practice News! I will soon begin a training in experiential & mindfulness-based therapies called Minding the Heart. Mindfulness & body awareness has always been a part of my practice, but I have recently experienced great enjoyment working deeper in this way. Through this program I will be able to bring new methods like the application of mindfulness and somatic experience in treating physical pain, trauma work, attunement training, working with defenses and emotion, & tracking the body into my acupuncture practice. I know these techniques will be a great compliment to Chinese medicine which already looks at the body, mind and spirit in such an interconnected way. I also look forward to tying in this training in mindfulness with women’s health as we know infertility, pregnancy, the post-partum phase & general parenting can cause unforeseen stress in our lives! Love this image embodying the creative mindful mind by @hannabarczyk. ❤
#mindfulness #meditation #anxiety #stress #peaceofmind #attunement #motherhood #momlife #mama #parenting #relaxation #holistichealth