Artichoke monsters. I wish I could feed them one every day, maybe then they’d eventually get sick of them and actually leave some for me one day. :) Honestly, it’s one of my greatest pleasures watching my kids enjoy the favorite foods I enjoyed as a kid with my mom. Artichokes and mangos and pomegranates hold special memories, I remember it so vividly. I think because it was so experiential to eat these fun foods - like performing a ritual to get to the good stuff. Hoping to create memories for them too. . . Artichokes are known as a digestive aid that stimulate the appetite. They also help liver and gall bladder function by stimulating bile secretions, can lower serum cholesterol and have tons of anti-oxidants to help your body fight free radicals. @medicalmedium also says they play a crucial role in thyroid healing as certain compounds can act as a protective shield for the thyroid gland - guarding it from viruses and pathogens. Pretty interesting. So delicious too. ❤️. . . . #foodasmedicine #healingfoods #intuitiveeating #artichokes #thyroidhealth #medicalmedium #liverhealth #greenfoods #eatforhealth #holisticnutrition #fingerfoods #healthykids #medicinekitchen April 04, 2018 by Sarah Luikart