This is me doing my crazy smile & geeking out about how much I love cupping people. Did you know you don’t have to get mad bruise marks from cupping treatments like you see in the press? It’s true. Gliding cupping can be wonderfully gentle for all of you sensitive souls out there too. 😍😍.
#cuppingtherapy #chinesemedicine #acupunctureworks #austinacupuncture #acupuncture #easternmedicine #healingarts #naturalhealth #pinsandneedles #acupuncturist #wellness #goodqi (at Sarah Senter, LAc + Medicine Kitchen)
At the heart of what I do: Acupuncture! This here is a beautiful example of one style of acupuncture I practice called the Tan Balance Method. Do you have chronic pain? This may be a perfect fit for you as it is meridian-balancing- no need to treat the local area of pain that is already filled with tension and discomfort - I treat an opposite area of the body which balances the area of pain - my sweet client here is experiencing thumb pain associated with Trigger Thumb! The big toe balances the thumb! It’s perfectly wild. A combination of Tan-style acupuncture, gua sha, and moxibustion has her feeling 75% better already! 🙌.
#chinesemedicine #acupuncture #medicinekitchen #needlesandpins #pinsandneedles #wellness #selfcare #holisticmedicine #painrelief #painfree #chronicpain #wholebodyhealth #alternativemedicine #onthetable #intheclinic #austintx #acupuncturist #herbalmedicine #balancemethod