At the heart of what I do: Acupuncture! This here is a beautiful example of one style of acupuncture I practice called the Tan Balance Method. Do you have chronic pain? This may be a perfect fit for you as it is meridian-balancing- no need to treat the local area of pain that is already filled with tension and discomfort - I treat an opposite area of the body which balances the area of pain - my sweet client here is experiencing thumb pain associated with Trigger Thumb! The big toe balances the thumb! It’s perfectly wild. A combination of Tan-style acupuncture, gua sha, and moxibustion has her feeling 75% better already! 🙌.
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Do you know about moxibustion? “Moxa,” as we call it, is an amazing form of heat therapy. The herb mugwort is used to dispel cold and circulate qi & blood through the meridians. Moxa is very effective at helping to turn breech babies prior to delivery by increasing the fetal movements of the baby. It can also be used to treat pain and menstrual cramps, increase digestive function & metabolism, and boost immunity… Moxa has been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese & folk medicines and we still use it commonly today in combination with acupuncture. 🔥✨🎏
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