The Last Diet You Will Ever Need

Below, copied in its entirety, is a recent article by Mark Hyman, MD that ,I believe, elucidates THE major issue of our time. Pass it on:

Why is it that we believe we can feed our bodies industrial, nutrient-depleted food-like substances empty of life and be healthy? How did we come to believe that food industry chemicals and processing could replace nature-made foods?

A hundred years ago all food was organic, local, seasonal, fresh or naturally-preserved by ancient methods. All food was food. Now less than 3 percent of our agricultural land is used to grow fruits and vegetables, which should make up 80 percent of our diet. Today there are not even enough fruits and vegetables in this country to allow all Americans to follow the government guidelines to eat five to nine servings a day.

What most of us are left with is industrial food. And who knows what lurks in the average boxed, packaged, or canned factory-made science project.

When a French fry has more than 20 ingredients and almost all of them are not potato, or when a fast food hamburger contains very little meat, or when the average teenager consumes 34 teaspoons of sugar a day, we are living in a food nightmare, a sci-fi horror show.

The very fact that we are having a national conversation about what we should eat, that we are struggling with the question about what the best diet is, is symptomatic of how far we have strayed from the natural conditions that gave rise to our species, from the simple act of eating real, whole, fresh food. When it becomes a revolutionary act to eat real food, we are in trouble.

The food industry, which is the second biggest employer in America after the federal government, heavily influences the media and government agencies that regulate it (U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Drug Administration and Congress) and intentionally confuses and confounds us.

Low-fat is good – so anything with a “low-fat” on the label must be healthy. But Coke is 100 percent fat-free and that doesn’t make it a health food. Now we are told to eat more whole grains, so a few flecks of whole grains are sprinkled on sugary cereals. That doesn’t make them a health food either.

The best advice is to avoid foods with health claims on the label, or better yet avoid foods with labels in the first place.

In the 21st century our tastes buds, our brain chemistry, our biochemistry, our hormones and our kitchens have been hijacked by the food industry. The food-like substances proffered by the industrial food system food trick our taste buds into momentary pleasure, but not our biology, which reacts, rejects and reviles the junk plied on our genes and our hormonal and biochemical pathways. We need to unjunk our biology.

Industrial processing has given rise to an array of addictive, fattening, metabolism-jamming chemicals and compounds including aspartame, MSG (monosodium glutamate), high-fructose corn syrup and trans fats, to name the biggest offenders.

MSG is used to create fat mice so researchers can study obesity. MSG is an excito-toxin that stimulates your brain to eat uncontrollably. When fed to mice, they pig out and get fat. It is in 80 percent of processed foods and mostly disguised as “natural flavorings.”

And trans fat, for example, is derived from a real food – vegetable oil – chemically altered to resist degradation by bacteria, which is why modern cookies last on the shelf for years.

But the ancient energy system of your cells is descended from bacteria and those energy factories, or mitochondria, cannot process these trans fats either. Your metabolism is blocked and weight gain and Type 2 diabetes ensue.

Your tongue can be fooled and your brain can become addicted to the slick combinations of fat, sugar, and salt pumped into factory-made foods, but your biochemistry cannot, and the result is the disaster of obesity and chronic disease we have in America today.

No wonder 68 percent of Americans are overweight. No wonder that from 1960 to today obesity rates have risen from 13 percent to 36 percent and soon will reach 42 percent. Over the last decade the rate of pre-diabetes or diabetes in teenagers has risen from 9 percent to 23 percent.

Really? Almost one in four of our kids now has pre-diabetes or Type 2 diabetes? And 37 percent of normal weight kids have one or more cardiovascular risk factors, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol or high blood sugar, because even though factory food doesn’t make them fat, it makes them sick!

It is time to take our kitchens and our homes back. Transforming the food industry seems monumental, a gigantic undertaking. But it is not. It is a small problem. In the small places in our lives, our shopping carts, the fridge, the cupboard, the kitchen and on our dining room table is where all the power is.

It is the hundreds of little choices, the small actions you make every day, that will topple the monolithic food industry. This century is littered with the bodies and institutions of fallen despots and despotic regimes – from the fall of the Berlin wall to the Arab spring. There is no force more powerful than a small group of individuals with a desire to end injustice and abuse.

A very simple idea can break through the confusion and plant the seeds of a revolution. Our bodies were designed to run on real food. Our natural default state is health. We need to simplify our way of eating.

Unjunk our diet, detoxify our bodies and our minds and we heal. Simply choose foods such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, healthy oils (olive oil, fish oil, avocado and coconut oil), small amounts of whole grains and beans and lean animal protein including small wild fish, grass fed meat, and farm eggs.

There are no diets, no calorie counting, and no measuring fats, carbs or protein grams. None of that matters if you choose real, whole, fresh, live foods. If you choose quality, the rest takes care of itself.

When you eat empty industrial food with addictive chemicals and sugar, your body craves more, looking for nutrients in a dead food where none are to be found. Yet after eating nutrient dense fresh food for a few days the biological addiction to industrial food is broken, and in a few more days your cells begin to rejuvenate and you heal from the inside out.

And the side effects are all good ones: effortless weight loss, reversal of high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, clearing of brain fog, lifting of depression and fatigue and even better skin, hair and nails.

What is more important than what you take out of your diet is what you put in. Add in the good stuff and there won’t be room for the bad. Mother Nature is the best pharmacist and food is the most powerful drug on the planet. It works faster, better and cheaper than any other pharmaceutical.

Whole, real food spiced up with a few super foods such as chia, hemp, parsley, cilantro, coconut and green juicing can beneficially affect thousands of genes, regulate dozens of hormones, and enhance the function of tens of thousands of protein networks.

Dinner is a date with the doctor. What you put at the end of your fork is more powerful than anything you will ever find at the bottom of a prescription bottle. The roadmap to health is simple: eat real food, practice self-love rather than self-loathing, imagine yourself well, get sufficient sleep, and incorporate movement into your life. The solution to our health crisis and obesity epidemic is not complicated.

Health and happiness are often just a few days away. Each of us has the capacity to make the small changes in our lives that will create big changes in our food landscape, our agriculture and even our government policies.

I hope you will use the power of your fork to be part of the start of a true food revolution.

Top 3 Supplements for Whole Health

I’m not a huge proponent of taking handfuls of pills for an endless amount of time. I believe our bodies are designed to obtain and absorb nutrients through whole food and drink, not capsules of different sizes and colors. That being said, often our bodies become deficient in certain nutrients due to a poor diet or too much stress on the body for too long. Our food sources are often lacking in nutrients due to poor soil nourishment and over-production of crops. So what do we do when WE become depleted and OUR FOOD is depleted as well? Sounds like a catch-22, but this is where nutritional supplements can help us. Nutritional supplements that come from sustainably produced, whole food and animal sources are the best choice for this kind of support when possible. Here are my top 3 products that will benefit most EVERYONE in this day and age - they cover the basics of macro & trace minerals, vegetable nutrients (vitamins!), and healthy fats and oils:

Whole Food Multi-Vitamin: Catalyn by Standard Process. A harmonious blend of vitamins and macro-minerals derived from plant and animal sources. Get all your concentrated whole-food nutrients in one place! 

Mineral Complex: Trace Minerals B12 by Standard Process. We can’t eat rocks. So we eat plants, because they eat rocks. Kelp is one of the best for mineral nutrients! Vital to hormone health, muscle health, and nerve health. 

Fish or Cod Liver Oil with Vitamin D: For the best quality of high-vitamin fish oil with natural vitamin D, try Blue Ice Cod Liver Oil.  I LOVE to simplify my supplements. Take these two supplements in one for even more convenience. Essential for fertility, vascular, skin, and brain health. 

So if you are looking to be healthier and replenish your body’s nutrient reserves, keep it simple & look to these 3 supplements for whole-body health and maintenance over the long term. A great strategy for the whole family! 

Seasonal Kitchen: Summer

Summer is upon us here in Texas. Memorial Day weekend always marks the beginning of these hot, sweltering, dog days of everyone’s favorite season. Part of cultivating your own Medicine Kitchen is to be aware of the seasonal bounty that nature gives us each year. In looking at food this way, you begin to notice how nature intended us to eat - and the farmer’s market is the perfect place to get a feel for what’s growing! Here are some perfect TX summer foods in which we can all over-indulge in the following weeks:

Peaches: “Every day begins and ends with a peach.” Use this as your mantra over the next few weeks and buy buy buy! Think peach salads, peach parfaits, peaches and cream, snack of peach with sea salt, peach jam, grilled peach, peach crumble or crisp…. are we clear?

Tomatoes: Tender skinned, perfectly ripe, juicy sweet. A perfect summer snack with just a sprinkle of salt, or grilled as a compliment to any main dish. 

Peppers: Poblano, shishito, red chili pepper, so many colors and varieties - just check the heat level before you commit to buying a whole bunch! Use the savory mild peppers in your crudités & the hotter ones grilled or paired with sweeter items like peach or tomato for balance. 

Summer squash: Yellow squash and green zucchini are flourishing everywhere & although you may look at them and think “boring” (like me), you cannot deny their versatility! Grill kabobs, steam, saute, eat raw, puree, or bake into gratin. 

At-Home Detox

There are lots of ways in which you can choose to cleanse. Buy a detox kit from a health store; do a program with a naturopath; try out the ubiquitous Master Cleanse (which is not safe for everyone!). But it can be much much simpler than all that. There are a few common foods you can incorporate into your diet that allow for natural liver and gall bladder cleansing, blood cleansing, and intestinal cleansing. It’s super easy to use these foods if you know a few tricks, and they are far more affordable and undemanding than the harsher alternatives I listed above. These natural detox techniques will benefit most anyone, and are gentle and safe enough to do on your own.

1. Beet & Radish Cleanse –> Grate 1 cup of fresh beet and radish mixed, squeeze ½ lemon, and add 2 tablespoons olive oil. Take 2 tablespoons of this mixture 4x day for 1 week to improve gall bladder and liver cleansing function and optimize bile flow to aide digestion. 

2. Liquid Chlorophyll –> Take 1 tablespoon diluted in water daily or 2-3x week for purifying the blood and pulling toxins from the body. Very helpful when trying to quit smoking or during any addiction detox. 

3. Dandelion, Beet Greens, Kale & Green Juices –> Add mineral-rich vegetable greens into your diet whole, blended in smoothies, or juiced. They will support the liver and gall bladder organs, increase bile flow, & stimulate proper intestinal elimination. 

4. Cayenne Pepper –> Take 1 teaspoon daily diluted in water or use in cooking any meal to improve blood circulation, stimulate the metabolism & help release toxic buildup in the joints and bloodstream. 

5. Morning Elixir –> Drink a refreshing or cleansing morning elixir to help purify the body upon waking and hydrate properly. This will flush away impurities that have been processed overnight & bring your energy up in the morning. 

6. *Gall Bladder Flush –> Consider a simple Gall Bladder flush (to be done with the guidance of a health practitioner) to fully clean the biliary and hepatic ducts of old bile accumulation. This helps your gall bladder and liver to function properly and can often erase certain digestive issues and kickstart a healthy path to weight loss. 

What's the Best: Vinegars

Just like cooking oils, vinegars have a wide range of quality associated with them – from highly de-mineralizing distilled varieties to ulta-enzyme-rich unfiltered ones. What should you be buying? Let’s see where our favorite and most commonly used vinegars fall into the spectrum. 

#1 Best Vinegars: Organic, naturally unfiltered, raw / unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, brown rice vinegar, white wine vinegars, or umeboshi vinegar. These naturally derived vinegars contain more minerals and living bacteria, and have a variety of healthy effects on the body - like increasing the digestibility of foods, helping to break down fat, neutralizing toxins & food poisoning, and even lifting your mood! 

#2 It’ll Do Vinegars: Small batch sherry, balsamic, red wine, or rice vinegars are fine to consume in small amounts. They make great salad dressings and offer nice flavor options. You may not get all the health benefits as in the raw category - but you won’t get much harm either. 

#3 Never Ever Vinegars: Any distilled (clear) vinegar - it is highly de-mineralized through multiple processing techniques and pasteurizations, and mostly derived from ethanol. These are not the best choice to consume. I would definitely consider it a “refined food product” & would use it to clean the kitchen and bathrooms and not much else!! 

Acid Reflux Remedy:

1 Tbsp raw apple cider vinegar

¼ C water

Drink solution with meals to ward off indigestion or heartburn! The enzyme-rich vinegar will aide in breaking down your food and reduce organic food acids from forming and wreaking havoc on your esophagus. :) 

Low Carb Eating

If you are implementing a low-carbohydrate eating plan in order to lose weight, cut back on refined foods, or regulate your blood sugar levels - this recipe is for you. You can make frittata several different ways, but this is the way I have always found easiest and fastest. Using whatever vegetables you have on hand, do just a quick saute and broil and you’re done in about 10 minutes flat. Now that we have almost finished setting up our chicken coop in the backyard, it’s a matter of weeks before I’ll have freshly laid eggs to use in recipes just like this. Very exciting. Grass-fed-free-range chickens that can forage for their own food tend to produce eggs with higher nutritional content while having less cholesterol, more vitamins, and more omega-3 fatty acids! Eggs are also a “complete protein” food. They have ALL 9 essential amino acids that humans need to sustain life. Perfect for vegetarians and omnivores alike. 

Anytime Frittata:

8 humanely-raised, free-range eggs

splash of organic cream

sea salt and pepper

2-3 stalks kale, ripped to shreds

2-3 large mushrooms, sliced thin

¼ red onion, chopped or sliced thin

olive oil

Set oven to broil. Heat oil in an oven-proof skillet on medium-high heat. You may also want to spray the skillet with oil to coat the edges well beforehand. Saute veggies for 4-5 minutes until softened. Turn heat down to medium. Whisk eggs, cream, salt, pepper in a bowl and pour mixture over veggies, fold in eggs and disperse veggies evenly though egg mixture with spatula a few times. Let cook until eggs begin to set. When you jiggle the pan there may be uncooked egg mixture on the top, but towards the bottom they should not move. Transfer skillet to broiler and cook another 2-3 minutes until eggs puff up and begin to brown on top! Serve warm or at room temp with greens, salad, or vegetables. Low-carb has never been so satisfying! ♥