Put Down That Artificially Sweetened Soda (...Please!)

It’s always an interesting conversation to have with someone - why they should stop drinking diet soda when it “has no calories.” Even folks who are otherwise very conscious about their health often use diet drinks as a way to satisfy their soda or sweet cravings… and then wonder why they can’t shed the extra 5 or 10 lbs they always carry around, or why they still have a sweet tooth. This is a good article explaining one reason behind why artificially sweetened drinks still lead to weight gain, and more importantly, lead to the behavior that leads to weight gain. Read the article and find out why! 

Nourishing the Body & Mind


A few weeks ago, in December just before the holidays, things caught up with me and my immune system crashed and burned a bit. I caught a cold and cough, then I overdid it physically during Christmas and had horrible back pain, then I didn’t sleep for a week, became exhausted, lost my appetite, and had some major digestive issues flare up. It was like a domino effect that I couldn’t stop! Things kept happening one after the other, despite what I thought were some pretty good efforts on my part - taking herbs, canceling one day of work, taking OTC stuff, steam inhalations, flu prevention, chiropractic etc. I started to worry pretty badly about the turn my health had taken, especially in regards to being pregnant and only 9 weeks away from this birth! Mentally I was draining myself. 

I realized that I have been over-doing it, physically AND mentally. I needed to rest. Luckily, I had 3 days between Christmas and New Years to do just that, and boy how it did wonders for my health. I stayed in bed almost a whole day. I delegated household chores to my husband. I walked barefoot in the grass outside. I sat in the sun and meditated with my animals wandering around me. I took time each of those days to nourish my mind, heart, and body. I encourage you not to lose track of the importance of nourishing yourself, especially if you are one who takes care of people for a living. Moms, nurses, teachers, mediators, Dads, nannies, doctors, caregivers – don’t forget yourself and the space you need to recharge your batteries. I love the image above to remind us all how to “take a break” before we take someone’s head off… or just can’t keep up anymore. ♥